webdna / cartbundle

Craft CMS - Commerce - Cart Bundle for showing products grouped (bundled) in the cart
MIT License
7 stars 2 forks source link

Can I use the cartbundle without encrypted bundle id #5

Open salahaa1 opened 6 years ago

salahaa1 commented 6 years ago

I'm Building an angular front end website for my craft website, I'm using Firebase as a realtime database, All my products are stored their , so when the user open the website he add all his items to the cart without any connection to the craft system when he finished adding all the items I want to submit these items in the cart to the craft cms all together , but there is Items that should be bundled together and they need an encrypted bundle which is not possible because these (database on Firebase ) is being shared with all customers, Even the same customer need some times to add multiple bundles with deferent purchasables of the same product,

For example { pizza with deferent ingredients } each ingredient is a variant purchasable .

sea example at the current website ( wagbat.com ) on this link : https://wagbat.com/restaurants/view/palm



nfourtythree commented 6 years ago

Hi @salahaa1

I am not sure I fully follow the issue you are describing. However, taking the question "Can I use the cartbundle without encrypted bundle id", the short answer is "Not in its current state".

The encrypted bundle ID is used to prevent conflicts with multiple bundles being added to the cart. This stops any cross-pollination of items or items that are being purchased in a bundle and individually getting bundled together.

As ever, this is completely open source software so please feel free to fork the repo and make any edits or updates you wish to get this working for your project.

Many Thanks, Nathaniel