webdna / commerce-bundles

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Postgres error after updating to 1.2 #8

Closed pnpaes closed 1 year ago

pnpaes commented 3 years ago

The filed db/BundleQuery.php is throwing an error when running the inner join command.

Instead of using the bundles_purchasables.bundeId field it is trying to use "bundleid" (all lower case). The reason for that is because the field name is not between quotes and Postgres is changing it. In order to avoid it I made a small adjustment to the file on line 188 with this change:

Original: "bundles_bundles.id = bundles_purchasables.bundleId"

Update 'bundles_bundles.id = bundles_purchasables."bundleId"'

System Info:

PHP version | 7.4.13 OS version | Linux 4.19.121-linuxkit Database driver & version | PostgreSQL 12.5

Craft edition & version | Craft Pro Craft Commerce | Bundles | 1.2