webdriverio-boneyard / webdrivercss-adminpanel

Administration App for CSS Regression Testing with WebdriverCSS
MIT License
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Create a concourse pipeline to deploy (via Helm) to Kubernetes. #35

Closed ashb closed 7 years ago

ashb commented 7 years ago

Create a Helm chart to deploy our app in Kubernetes with a (small, maybe too small) persistent volume so images stay around across deploys.

Then create a Concourse pipeline that builds the docker image and then deploys via helm.

As this app has no tests I haven't added in any handling of PRs in the pipeline.

There might be a problem with the repositories folder and the default lost+found dir that is created by linux. (It was falling over, i had to remove it before the app would stay up. Unsure if this fix will persist or not.)

ashb commented 7 years ago

Ignore this, against the wrong repo, sorry. Good thing it was all public info eh?