webdriverio-community / wdio-testrail-reporter

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Package creating multiple test runs when using cucumber #370

Open liamharries opened 1 month ago

liamharries commented 1 month ago

I have the oneReport setting set to true however this still results in one test run created per feature file.

Am I misconfigured or is this a bug?

import { config as sharedConfig } from './wdio.conf.ts';

export const config: WebdriverIO.Config = {
    capabilities: [
          browserName: "chrome",
          'goog:chromeOptions': {
            args: ['headless', 'disable-gpu']
        // "json", // uncomment to place json in the console output for entire run
            projectId: 36,
            suiteId: 1, // invalid suite generates a run
            domain: 'company.testrail.io',
            username: 'liam.harries@company.com',
            apiToken: 'TOKEN', 
            runName: `foo-web-qa ${new Date()}`,
            oneReport: true,
            includeAll: true,
            useCucumber: true,
            caseIdTagPrefix: 'C', // used only for multi-platform Cucumber Scenarios