webdriverio-community / wdio-video-reporter

Reporter for WebdriverIO that makes videos of failed tests and has optional allure integration
MIT License
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Video Reporter not working #173

Open kkrbharat14 opened 7 months ago

kkrbharat14 commented 7 months ago

I am facing issues with Video Reporting, following are my dependencies Video doesn't start

"@wdio/allure-reporter": "^8.30.0", "@wdio/cli": "^8.27.1", "@wdio/cucumber-framework": "^8.27.1", "@wdio/local-runner": "^8.27.0", "@wdio/spec-reporter": "^8.27.0", "allure-commandline": "^2.25.0", "chromedriver": "^121.0.0", "ts-node": "^10.9.2", "typescript": "^5.3.3", "wdio-video-reporter": "^5.1.4"

Also using Node 20.11.0

Following is my wdio config

import type {Options} from '@wdio/types' import VideoReporter from 'wdio-video-reporter';

export const config: Options.Testrunner = { runner: 'local', autoCompileOpts: { autoCompile: true, tsNodeOpts: { project: './tsconfig.json', transpileOnly: true } }, maxInstances: 5, capabilities: [ { browserName: 'chrome', 'goog:chromeOptions': { args: [ '--ignore-certificate-errors', '--allow-insecure-localhost', '--disable-dev-shm-usage', '--no-sandbox', '--headless', ], }, }, ], specs: [ './features/*/.feature' ], exclude: [], logLevel: 'debug', bail: 0, baseUrl: 'someUrl', waitforTimeout: 10000, connectionRetryTimeout: 120000, connectionRetryCount: 3, framework: 'cucumber', reporters: [ 'spec', [VideoReporter, { saveAllVideos: true, videoSlowdownMultiplier: 60, videoRenderTimeout: 15, videoFormat: 'webm' }], ['allure', { outputDir: './test/reports/allure-results', disableWebdriverStepsReporting: true, disableWebdriverScreenshotsReporting: true, }], ], cucumberOpts: { require: ['./features/step-definitions/steps.ts'], backtrace: false, requireModule: [], dryRun: false, failFast: false, snippets: true, source: true, strict: false, timeout: 60000, ignoreUndefinedDefinitions: false }, }

To Reproduce I tried the same with demo:cucumber and faced same issue

christian-bromann commented 7 months ago

Can you please provide a minimal reproducible example as GitHub repository? Thanks!

kkrbharat14 commented 7 months ago

I just use the cucumber example here https://github.com/webdriverio-community/wdio-video-reporter/tree/main/demo

christian-bromann commented 7 months ago

Thanks for reporting!

We greatly appreciate any contributions that help resolve the bug. While we understand that active contributors have their own priorities, we kindly request your assistance if you rely on this bug being fixed. We encourage you to take a look at our contribution guidelines or join our friendly Discord development server, where you can ask any questions you may have. Thank you for your support, and cheers!

seanpoulter commented 6 months ago

Since the CI pipeline is passing I'd suggest we start by adding a failing test. @kkrbharat14, would you be willing to add one?