webdriverio / codemod

A codemod to transform Protractor into WebdriverIO tests
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error thrown on semicolon issue #68

Closed chidaquest closed 6 months ago

chidaquest commented 1 year ago

Codemod does not seems to like the : When it is removed it runs fine. Please help in if there is a solution for the same.

ERR .\e2e\steps\general\loginlogout.step.ts Transformation error (Missing semicolon. (22:13))

code in line 22 let loginPage: Login = new Login();

Code related to it import { Loginlogout } from '../../pages/general/loginlogout.po'; let loginLogout : Loginlogout = new Loginlogout();

Same error happens else where as well when I try to write into excel sheet. Snippet form the function. var wb = new XLSX.Workbook(); wb.xlsx.readFile(fileloc).then(function(){ let sheet:Worksheet = wb.getWorksheet("Sheet1");

Same error is thrown at let sheet:

christian-bromann commented 1 year ago

Can you provide an example file to transform and to reproduce this?

christian-bromann commented 6 months ago

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