Open jsegars opened 13 years ago
Andi, Thanks for the feedback. Long term we're trying to evaluate whether tt_news + comments, wec_discussion, t3blog, or some custom blog extension offers the best blogging experience for our users. We decided to leave the blog alone for now until we make that decision so that we don't change things twice. I'm fairly certain ve_guestbook will be replaced at some point but I'm not sure what the replacement will be yet :)
Leaving this ticket open for now...
Thanks, Jeff
PS. Almost forgot, I assume you've already reported this on but if not that would be the place to get the deprecated call actually fixed :)
From Andreas Becker: Calling The Blog Singleview results in the following error:
Uncaught TYPO3 Exception
1: PHP : Function ereg_replace() is deprecated in /home/abc-dev/domains/ line 859
t3lib_error_Exception thrown in file /var/a1/t/typo3_src-4.3.2/t3lib/error/class.t3lib_error_errorhandler.php in line 101.
To resolve the problem comments should be installed and is working and additional offers much more stuff, like ajax comments, ratings and more.
We are running Debian, Lenny 5, PHP 5.3.2 TYPO3 4.3.2 and 4.4.0alpha2 but same errors