webex / webex-ios-sdk

iOS SDK for Webex
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App working fine on simulator but not on real device #149

Open civnam opened 1 year ago

civnam commented 1 year ago

I've tried to run the app on a physical device (iPhone 11 with iOS 16) and it doesn't recognize the login with a token. Everything works fine on the simulator in xCode but not on a real device. But, when i prove the app on TestFlight also works well, the login with the token is successful, nevertheless this doesn't work for me because I'm trying to use the SDK in another app, and when implementing the SDK in that app I have the same issue: works fine the login on the simulator but not on my iPhone, if anyone can help me I'd be very thankful

jbenyovs commented 1 year ago

@civnam you mentioned that this issue is not reproducible with the TestFlight app. Because of that it will be difficult to give you any advice, since we have no logs or any way to reproduce this. Best might be for you to open a ticket with us - send an email to devsupport@webex.com - and send us the full verbose logs from your app, plus the Swift file that handles the login in your app, so we can check this further. Reason why I'm asking for a ticket is that:

Thanks, Janos

civnam commented 1 year ago

Hello @jbenyovs , ok I've sent the email with the things you mentioned, thanks,

Also I've already asked for a ticket in the support portal of Cisco Webex for Developers with this issue but I'm still not getting any solution.

Isaac Dimas

jbenyovs commented 1 year ago

@civnam I found the ticket that you opened and looked into it. We are already in touch with engineering about it and will let you know in the ticket as soon as we have any updates.