webex / webex-ios-sdk

iOS SDK for Webex
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We are not getting Space Id in latest 3.8.3 #150

Open HRN8891 opened 1 year ago

HRN8891 commented 1 year ago

Facing a problem with SpaceID. Does not getting spaceId after authorising JWT token. I have tested with kitchenSink app 3.8.3 in that also we are not getting spaceId many times.

Please provide the update for the same

ralagana commented 1 year ago

@HRN8891 Thanks for creating this issue. It is one that's already been reported to engineering and work is ongoing on that to get it resolved. If you'd like to get updates on the progress for that, please create a support ticket (email to devsupport@webex.com) referencing this issue with a brief description. We can then keep you updated through there. Thank you.

ralagana commented 12 months ago

@HRN8891 can you try to retest this with a new Guest Issuer app? Our engineers have made some corrections to resolve this, but I think they can only be applied to new guest issuer apps. Please check to confirm.