webex / webex-ios-sdk

iOS SDK for Webex
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Build Failed Rosetta #166

Closed khoogheem closed 10 months ago

khoogheem commented 10 months ago

Trying to build for simulators brings up build errors when adding in the Webex pod.. When trying to build on any simulator device.. I have tried from 15.5 up to 16.4

I have tried back to 3.7.1 and it still provides the same issue.

Xcode 14.3.1

We are running with standard arch

Screenshot 2023-07-07 at 8 04 40 AM

and yes.. I would rather not have to use Rosetta to build..

pumoru commented 10 months ago

Thank you for contacting developer support. Based on the screenshot, it appears to be some kind of Swift Package error. I conducted an online search and found a helpful article that can assist with troubleshooting. https://aptabase.com/blog/how-to-fix-swift-package-missing-architecture Please take a look and let us know if you have any questions.

Kind regards,


khoogheem commented 10 months ago

interesting is that the Webex pod is the only one we use that sets excluded archs

Probably should mention this is on a M1