webfansplz / vuejs-challenges

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8 - effectScope API(With explanations / 有解释) #946

Open Hacker-C opened 1 year ago

Hacker-C commented 1 year ago


<script setup lang="ts">
import { ref, computed, watch, watchEffect, effectScope } from 'vue'

const counter = ref(1)

// use the `effectScope` API to make these effects stop together after being triggered once

const scope = effectScope()

scope.run(() => {
  const doubled = computed(() => counter.value * 2)
  watch(doubled, () => console.log(doubled.value))
  watchEffect(() => console.log(`Count: ${doubled.value}`))

counter.value = 2

// this is also right:
// setTimeout(() => {
//   scope.stop()
// })

setTimeout(() => {
  counter.value = 4
  // be careful with the asynchronous, make sure `scoped.top` task is in asynchronous tasks queue with the task of `the change of counter`
  // 注意处理 scope 的时机,由于 setTimeout 的回调是异步的,因此也要使得 scope.stop 放入异步队列中 `counter 被修改` 这个任务的后面。

      <!-- {{ doubled }} -->
JJczC-love commented 3 months ago
