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Create reusable components for shared styles, shadow parts, CSS properties, and reflected attributes sections. #266

Open hyyan opened 1 month ago

hyyan commented 1 month ago

A component for each section

One component for the following sections

### Shadow Parts

These are the various parts of the [shadow DOM](../../glossary#shadow-dom) for the component, which will be required when styling via CSS is desired.

<TableBuilder tag={require('@site/docs/components/_dwc_control_map.json').Spinner} table='parts' exclusions=''/>

### CSS Properties

These are the various CSS properties that are used in the component, with a short description of their use.

<TableBuilder tag={require('@site/docs/components/_dwc_control_map.json').Spinner} exclusions='' table='properties'/>

### Reflected Attributes

The reflected attributes of a component will be shown as attributes in the rendered HTML element for the component in the DOM. This means that styling can be applied using these attributes.

<TableBuilder tag={require('@site/docs/components/_dwc_control_map.json').Spinner} table="reflects"/>