webfox / laravel-xero-oauth2

A Laravel integration for Xero using the Oauth 2.0 spec
MIT License
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Notice: Undefined index: oauth2state in Application/XXX/XXX : Invalid State: #35

Closed kunallibra closed 4 years ago

kunallibra commented 4 years ago

hi I am having this error [Error: 500]

My scopes in the authorised are: $options = [ 'scope' => ['openid email profile offline_access accounting.settings.read accounting.transactions accounting.contacts accounting.attachments'] ];

and in the config file:

'scopes' => [ 'openid', 'email', 'profile', 'offline_access', 'accounting.settings.read', 'accounting.transactions', 'accounting.contacts', 'accounting.attachments' ],

It is exactly the same. Dont know why am getting this error.

Notice: Undefined index: oauth2state in /Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/htdocs/project/callback.php on line 24 Invalid StateInvalid state

hailwood commented 4 years ago

Hi @kunallibra,

Are you sure you're using this Laravel integration and not just the XeroAPI/xero-php-oauth2 package?

I'd expect to see a Laravel path there if you're using this package, e.g. /Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/htdocs/project/app/Http/Controllers/SomeController.php.

I'm going to close this issue as I don't believe it's related to this package, but feel free to comment if you wish it reopened.