webgrafia / ginger

Wordpress plugin to make website compliant with EU Cookie Policy, with opt-in feature
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AnonymizeIP doesn't work #35

Open kikaweb opened 6 years ago

kikaweb commented 6 years ago

Hello, I've just installed Ginger on my website, and activated the Analytics.js feature. However I wanted to be sure that everything is working. If I check on the page source using Chrome Inspector, I see that the cookies are not blocked: I can see clearly ga and gid cookies. Moreover the Analytics even if the snippet injected by Ginger include the anonymizeIP : true parameter, there's no "aip" parameter in the corresponding URL generated by the analytics script. So actually the IP is not masked. I'm no coder, so please correct me if I'm wrong. If I disable Ginger and use another plugin, or add the GA code manually, the anonymizeIP feature works as expected. I haven't tried to replicate the issue on other websites, though.

w3b-beweb commented 6 years ago

check this answer here. In my tests GA is correctly anonymized before I accept cookies, and not anonymzed when cookies are accepted