webhintio / hint

💡 A hinting engine for the web
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[connector] Puppeteer #2200

Open molant opened 5 years ago

molant commented 5 years ago

🚀 Feature request: connector-chromium + custom actions


Even though we have a chrome connector it should probably be renamed to chromium as it works with any chromium browser that exposes the chrome DevTools Protocol. Even chrome-launcher supports the environment variable CHROME_PATH to indicate the executable of the browser to run.

This alone is not a good reason, so this enoughWhile renaming for the sake of renaming is probably not a good idea, I think we should take this opportunity to modernize the code and create a new connector that will use Puppeteer which was not available when we first started the project.

Using Puppeteer will unlock requests like custom actions more easily and with ergonomics that developers already know.


This section contains a list of all the changes and/or new features connector-chromium, the CLI, and the Node.js API should implement with some details on how to achieve them.

User actions

This has been a long standing issue (#421, #1946). The main scenario to unlock is user authentication via the CLI, without forgetting users that need more control of the page before analyzing it. An example of the later will be to click in different elements before triggering the analysis.

The Node.js API should just expose a general way to perform custom actions and the CLI should take advantage of it to allow user authentication.

User authentication in the CLI

The authentication steps should be handled by the CLI using the actions ergonomics provided by the Node.js API.

A typical login experience has a user and password inputs and a submit button (everything might or not be inside a form). The user fills the inputs, pressed the button, and then the website navigates to another page or updates the URL with a hash. Puppeteer considers a navigation any change in the url, even if it is just a hash so this should cover the most common scenarios.

The information required to do this programatically is:

In total 5 pieces of information.

The most common ways to provide variables to a CLI are (from lower to higher priority):

  1. Environment variables
  2. Configuration file (.hintrc)
  3. CLI parameters
  4. A mix of the above: the user provides the selectors via .hintrc but uses environment variables for the credentials

With this in mind, the options would be:

Entry Point Values
CLI user, -u
password, -p
user-selector, -us
password-selector, -ps
submit, -s
Configuration user, password and submit properties
in options with selector and value.
See below for example

.hintrc example:

  "connector": {
    "name": "chromium",
    "options": {
      "auth": {
        "user": {
          "selector": "",
          "value": ""
        "password": {
          "selector": "",
          "value": ""
        "submit": {
          "selector": ""
  // ...

An example of a combination of these methods is:

  "connector": {
    "name": "chromium",
    "options": {
      "auth": {
        "user": {
          "selector": "#user"
        "password": {
          "selector": "#pass"
        "submit": {
          "selector": "#login"
  // ...
hint -u userName https://example.com

And then have the environment variable WEBHINT_PASSWORD set.


The new API allows a user to analyze multiple websites simulatenously. This feature will be exposed also in the CLI. With this approach there are two problems:

  1. There is no way to provide different credentials to each URL
  2. There is no way to perform the authentication for only certain URLs

These are edge cases and people in needs of this should use the Node.js API or re-architect their scripts to call hint multiple times with the right parameters in each case.

Node.js + connector-chromium API

Using the previous authentication example, the code to be executed using Puppeteer should look similar to the following:

// Assume Puppeteer has already loaded the initial page

await page.type(userSelector, username);
await page.type(passSelector, password);
await page.click(submitSelector);

The page.click() action will cause a navigation in most cases. For practical purposes this navigation should be considered the initial one (the user wants to analyze the page behind the authentication, not the previous one).

The current proposal for the new Node.js API has a new Type AnalyzeOptions used when calling webhint.analyze(). A new optional property actions(page: Puppeteer.Page): Promise<void> should be added to it and all the other necessary *Options objects (Engine and Connector). A simplication of how the authentication mechanism will work in the CLI is:

const actions = async (page : Puppeteer.Page) => {
    await page.type(userSelector, username);
    await page.type(passSelector, password);
    await page.click(submitSelector);

const results = await webhint.analyze('https://example.com', {

From the connector-chromium point of view, the actions property will be received in the collect method. If it exists it will:

  1. Perform the navigation to the target
  2. Start monitoring requests once the page is loaded
  3. Execute action
  4. Run the analysis on the new navigation

If actions does not exists in options, then it will run things as usual.


Right now connectors use the waitFor option to decide for how long (in ms) they should wait until starting the traversal and such. Puppeteer has several options: timeout, load, domcontentloaded, networkidle0, networkidle2. The same values should be accepted (although maybe not the array option).

NOTE: Because not all connectors will support all the values I'm not sure how the best implementation for this would be. Maybe each connector has its own configuration type? Something like:

  "connector": {
    "name": "chromium",
    "options": {
     // Each connector decides its options

This will most likely be a breaking change in the connectors.

Allow content as a target

We recently created #2149 so connectors can tell if they accept content directly or not. To support this there's page.setContent(html[, options]).

There should not be a high usage for this feature but it seems easy enough to be supported (even if it is not on the first version).

connector-chromium-Puppeteer API mapping

This is a (non-exhaustive) list of all the APIs to use:

Action API
Start puppeteer.launch([options])
JS evaluation page.evaluate(pageFunction[, ...args])
Request notification page.on('request')
Page errors page.on('error)
page.on('pageerror) (for uncaught exceptions)
Response notification page.on('response')
Close browser browser.close()
Navigate browser.newPage()
page.goto(url[, options])
Set page content page.setContent(html[, options])
Input page.type(selector, text[, options])
page.click(selector[, options])

Other comments/questions

How to run multiple pages in the same browser from different Puppeteer instances?

The idea is to use a similar approach where the PID is stored in a file and alternate between puppeteer.launch([options]) and puppeteer.connect(options) when the browser is already running (using browserWSEndpoint).

How to run a different Chromium based browser?

puppeteer.launch([options]) has an option to pass executablePath. An option should be exposed in connector-chromium configuration to specify it. This value could be the path or maybe a well-known string value (chromium-canary, chrome, etc.) and someone (CLI, connetor?) could resolve the path similar to what chrome-launcher does today to decide what browser to run.

Another thing to take into account is if the user starts a session with one chromium browser and decides to launch another session with another while it is still running. The cdp.pid (or whatever new file will be used) should probably contain information about the executable path to use or maybe this is an scenario that is not supported.

Package updates


Puppeteer's viewport default to 800x600 viewport. null disables the default viewport. This should be exposed in the options somehow and I think we should default to null in our case.

How to get the redirects of a request

This is handled directly by puppeteer and exposed in the response event.

molant commented 5 years ago

@webhintio/contributors I've added some tasks to this epic. Anything else you think should be added?


molant commented 5 years ago

I've found this thread that talks about downloading a file from the browser. Maybe we should use a similar approach in fetchContent for this? I think the browser extension uses a similar approach, right @antross ?

antross commented 5 years ago

@molant I don't think the browser extension does anything to support prompting the user to download the file... also not entirely sure which part of that thread you're referring to...

molant commented 5 years ago

We have some rules that use fetchContent. Don't know if the ones in extension-browser use it but maybe we can add support to that by using browser's fetch and evaluate the script to download the file.

antross commented 5 years ago

Yes, fetchContent is implemented in the private connector for extension-browser using fetch currently. However since that connector is already running in a content script context it can use fetch directly without needing to run anything in the page. So not quite the same as what you'd need for connector-chromium...

I originally thought you were referring to something along the lines of the end-user experience of downloading a file and saving it to disk (which is what is referred to in part of that thread).