This new message from the generator will return a list of all supported messages that the grunt server that is running support. For older grunt servers this may hang (before we had the catch all) or return undefined (for ones before this message existed).
This can be used to determine what capabilities we can take advantage of given a users grunt server.
window.ENV.sendGruntCommand('supported_messages', function(messages) {
if(messages) {
// messages is an array, map to some structure to check up later
/// later
if(supportedMessages['push'] === true)
// Code to use push here
This new message from the generator will return a list of all supported messages that the grunt server that is running support. For older grunt servers this may hang (before we had the catch all) or return undefined (for ones before this message existed).
This can be used to determine what capabilities we can take advantage of given a users grunt server.