webinstall / webi-installer-requests

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[suggestion] Ability to install more Nerd Fonts #69

Open ryanburnette opened 1 year ago

ryanburnette commented 1 year ago

The Nerdfont installer only installs the one font out of everything that is available... that's a bit overly opinionated. Do we have any thoughts about creating an installer that takes an argument of which font to install? What about just installing all the fonts?

coolaj86 commented 1 year ago

There are about a hundred fonts, so installing all of them would be more hurtful than helpful.

Back when this installer was created, there was no regular or standardized way to identify the path of the fonts.

Now, however, the author is using GitHub Releases, so it's possible to get a zip file and know that all *.otf files in the zip need to go into the user's font directory.

That said, each font kind of deserves its own installer. We could auto-generate many installers based on the GitHub Releases listing:

As is, nerdfont is a very special case - it's not a program you run (well, technically it kinda is - but not in the common sense), but a file you use. It doesn't go in ~/.local/bin.


ryanburnette commented 1 year ago

I dislike the idea of creating a bunch of installers because that's a bunch of installers you have to maintain. There's no way to add the ability for an installer to take an argument? Or a"sub-installer?"

ryanburnette commented 1 year ago

They do have an install script. https://github.com/ryanoasis/nerd-fonts#option-3-install-script