webjars / webjars-play

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Script error for: webjars #35

Closed danielkhan closed 10 years ago

danielkhan commented 10 years ago

When trying to use webjars I get the following error:

´´´ "NetworkError: 404 Not Found - http://localhost:9000/assets/javascripts/webjars.js" Error: Script error for: webjars http://requirejs.org/docs/errors.html#scripterror ´´´

Shortest code to reproduce:

(function(requirejs) {
    define(["webjars!jquery.js"], function() {
        // $ can be accessed within here as jquery.js declares it as a global.


"org.webjars" %% "webjars-play" % "2.2.1",
  "org.webjars" % "jquery" % "2.1.0-2",
  "org.webjars" % "bootstrap" % "3.1.1",
  "org.webjars" % "angularjs" % "1.2.13",
  "org.webjars" % "requirejs" % "2.1.10"

I'm sure this is some simple stupid mistake but I'm really lost.

jamesward commented 10 years ago

Sorry for the hassle. I think this is due to the recent WebJars RequireJS changes. Can you try to first bump to webjars-play version 2.2.1-2 and then you will need to setup RequireJS either manually:

<script data-main="@routes.Assets.at("index")" src="@routes.WebJarAssets.at(WebJarAssets.locate("require.min.js"))"></script>

Or using the new webjars-play helper (that does all this for you):


Once you get that setup you can use RequireJS normally, like:

require(["jquery"], function(jquery) {

Let me know how it goes!

danielkhan commented 10 years ago

Thank you so much - this works much better. One thing is left: How does a shim config look now as 'webjars!' doesn't work for me and only using 'jquery' result in a 404.

Thank you again!

jamesward commented 10 years ago

You should be able to view source on the page you are doing the RequireJS setup in. There you should see the shim being included which should have:

    paths: { "jquery": webjars.path("jquery", "jquery") },
    shim: { "jquery": { "exports": "$" } }

The paths setups up the RequireJS module path for jquery.

Does that help?

danielkhan commented 10 years ago

O.K. so if I understand the html source correctly webjars-play already brings in the shim config that is needed for all installed modules. What does the 'webjars!' exactly do?

webjarsAngularjsChildren.forEach(function(child) {
    webjarsAngularjsPaths[child] = webjars.path("angularjs", child);
    webjarsAngularjsShim[child] = ["angular", "webjars!angular.js"];

Thank you for your patience!

jamesward commented 10 years ago

The webjars! loader plugin is now legacy. It was the old way of setting up RequireJS for WebJars.

danielkhan commented 10 years ago

Thank you very much vor helping me out. I got a full require.js - angular stack running now. Looks great!

jamesward commented 10 years ago

Fantastic! Sorry about the hassle in the midst of this transition.

danielkhan commented 10 years ago

No problem - I am happy that it wasn't completely my fault :)