webketje / GS-Custom-Settings

A GetSimple CMS plugin for custom site, theme and plugin settings. Uses Knockout & RequireJS
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using custom styles for sidebars #13

Closed tablatronix closed 8 years ago

tablatronix commented 9 years ago

It should just use native css selectors so it is compatible with admin theming.

class="current" for example, not adding its own orange css rules.

tablatronix commented 9 years ago

I see why there is a problem here you are using inputs for renaming. Maybe add the tab inputs dynamically on double click of the links or something

using Click-to-edit http://knockoutjs.com/documentation/hasfocus-binding.html

webketje commented 9 years ago

True, I'll sort it out for v0.6. I already noticed there were some incompatibilities when I tried out the Flat Blue admin theme. It's quite simple, I just need to move the current class to the anchor. Last resort I'll try the hasFocus binding.

webketje commented 9 years ago

Also would like to update the background-color/border of selected items & icons in Edit mode. Is there any class that applies only these? Or should I check manually whether an admin.xml file exists in theme folder?

tablatronix commented 9 years ago

not until 3.4 ( see bottom of style.php in master ) There will also be labels and fontawesome in core.

webketje commented 8 years ago

Solved in the coming version, 0.6