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Designing Data-Intensive Applications Study Group
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第二章節:Document Model 為什麼不會重蹈歷史覆轍? Nissen #20

Open nissenyeh opened 2 years ago

nissenyeh commented 2 years ago


Comparison to document databases Document databases reverted back to the hierarchical model in one aspect: storing nested records (one-to-many relationships, like positions, education, and contact_info in Figure 2-1) within their parent record rather than in a separate table.

However, when it comes to representing many-to-one and many-to-many relation- ships, relational and document databases are not fundamentally different: in both cases, the related item is referenced by a unique identifier, which is called a foreign key in the relational model and a document reference in the document model [9]. That identifier is resolved at read time by using a join or follow-up queries. To date, document databases have not followed the path of CODASYL.

那文章的觀點是 Document Databases「不是」在重複歷史,因為:


jxiu0129 commented 2 years ago