webmachinelearning / webmachinelearning-ethics

😇 Ethical Principles for Web Machine Learning
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Societal impact considerations #3

Open anssiko opened 2 years ago

anssiko commented 2 years ago

Societal Impact Considerations doc draft by @rhiaro was brought to my attention by @chrisn:


This work would benefit our Ethical Web Machine Learning work that -- as one of its explorations -- attempts to map ethical issues in the ML space into the W3C TAG Ethical Web Principles:


I believe the expectation is to fold these societal questions into the W3C TAG Ethical Web Principles. This issue is to keep track of that development and revise the above-mentioned Ethical Web Machine Learning section accordingly.

torgo commented 2 years ago

Hi @anssiko - we're considering adding a question to the questionnaire about ethical use of AI and we'd like to reference this doc (among other docs). Sound OK?

anssiko commented 2 years ago

@torgo, if by this doc you refer to the doc hosted in this repo that’s fine. It is an ED, so the usual disclaimer applies. The plan is to publish the doc as a W3C Note once it has matured.

bbcjamesfletcher commented 2 years ago

@torgo @anssiko this social impact questionaire escaped my attention when I was looking through W3C docs. Good to see it now, it's interesting and useful - as the Ethical Web Principles evolve into more of a questionaire, many of these questions are relevant.

anssiko commented 2 years ago

I suggest we keep this issue open as a reminder to check back to Societal Impact Considerations after some time. I notice also that doc is evolving.