webmachinelearning / webnn

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WPT tests tracker / 2 for remaining ops #338

Open BruceDai opened 1 year ago

BruceDai commented 1 year ago

Here's process of WPT tests for remaining 20 ops with @fdwr‘s great efforts on these operations tolerances, thanks much @fdwr!

Note: Set l2Pool2d being P3 is due to issue #278.

I synced with @fdwr about tolerance definitions for gru/gruCell and lstm/lstmCell,since they're not operators but more like entire miniature graphs themselves, we need community for some help of defining them, thanks.

Operations WebNN-Baseline implementation WebNN-Polyfill implementation WPT tests (PR link) Priority Note
hardSwish P1 It's easy to implement
resample2d WIP P1 Required by Semantic Segmentation - DeepLabv3
pRelu P1 It's easy to implement
pad pr (updated) P1
elu pr P1 It's easy to implement
instanceNormalization WIP P1 Required by Fast Style Transfer
hardSigmoid pr P1 It's easy to implement
linear pr P1 It's easy to implement
softplus pr pr P1 It's easy to implement
softsign pr P1 It's easy to implement
reduceL1 pr P2
reduceL2 pr P2
reduceLogSum pr P2
reduceLogSumExp pr P2
reduceSumSquare pr P2
gru WIP P2 Required by RNNoise, NSNet
gruCell WIP P2 Required by Recurrent network
lstm × × P2 Required by Recurrent network
lstmCell × × P2 Required by Recurrent network
l2Pool2d × P3 There's an issue #278
BruceDai commented 1 year ago

Link to #265

fdwr commented 1 year ago

Operator tolerances:

Op float16 float32 notes
elu 18 ULP 18 ULP if a >= 0 then a else (expₑ(a) - 1) * alpha
hardSwish 4 ULP 4 ULP if x <= -threshold then 0 elif x >= threshold else x (x + threshold) / (2 threshold) // threshold = 3
gru ? ULP ? ULP
gruCell ? ULP ? ULP
hardSigmoid 2 ULP 2 ULP clamp(a * alpha + beta, 0, 1)); defaults alpha = 0.2, beta = 0.5
instanceNormalization ? ULP ? ULP ⏳ (a - mean) * scale / sqrt(variance + epsilon) + bias ¹
linear 2 ULP 2 ULP x * scale + bias
lstm ? ULP ? ULP
lstmCell ? ULP ? ULP
l2Pool2d IEPOE * 2 + 1 ULP IEPOE * 2 + 1 ULP sqrt(a0^2 + a1^2 + … + an^2)
pad 0 ULP 0 ULP should be exact, no math
prelu 1 ULP 1 ULP if a >= 0 then a else a * slope
reduceL1 <=IEPOE ULP <=IEPOE ULP abs(x1) + abs(x2) + ... + abs(xn)
reduceL2 IEPOE * 2 + 1 ULP IEPOE * 2 + 1 ULP sqrt(a1^2 + a2^2 + ... + an^2)
reduceLogSum IEPOE + 18 ULP IEPOE + 18 ULP log(a1 + a2 + ... + an)
reduceLogSumExp IEPOE*2 + 18 ULP IEPOE*2 + 18 ULP log(exp(a1) + exp(a2) + ... + exp(an))
reduceSumSquare IEPOE * 2 ULP IEPOE * 2 ULP a1^2 + a2^2 + ... + an^2
resample2d ? ULP ? ULP
softplus 18 ULP 18 ULP logₑ(1 + expₑ(a))
softsign 3 ULP 3 ULP x / (1 + abs(a))

Earlier ones here: https://github.com/webmachinelearning/webnn/issues/265#issuecomment-1256242643

¹ "Instance" normalization is really spatial normalization, where the spatial channels are reduced and normalized, while batch and channel remain independent. So pass a list of axes just beyond the leading batch and channel dimensions (starting at axis 2 up to the last spatial dimension). So for 4D, it's just mean variance normalization with axes: [2,3]. The mean and variance are computed on demand.

[update] Phase 3+:

Op float16 float32 notes
argMax 0 0
argMin 0 0
cast 1 1
elementwiseIf 0 0
equal 0 0
expand 0 0
fillSequence 2 2
gather 0 0
greater 0 0
greaterOrEqual 0 0
identity 0 0
lesser 0 0
lesserOrEqual 0 0
logicalNot 0 0
reciprocal 2 2
reshape 0 0
sqrt 1 1
triangularMatrix 0 0
anssiko commented 5 months ago

@BruceDai can you provide on update on these remaining tests, can we close this issue?

BruceDai commented 5 months ago

Hi @anssiko, I'm sorry for not updating this status timely.

Please see the above updated table of V1 remaining operations, now except tests for these complex gru/gruCell/lstm/lstmCell operations which are WIP by @fdwr and me , others are almost done (remaining prs were under reviewing or approved).

Regarding to V2 transformers operations, they've been already tracked by https://github.com/webmachinelearning/webnn/issues/485, now there're two remaining prs for constant (fillSequence) and triangular which are discussed on #492 and #494.

Thanks a lot for great supports from @fdwr @huningxin @Honry and @mei1127 ! 👍

anssiko commented 5 months ago

@BruceDai @fdwr much thanks for your work on wpt coverage improvements.

I noted this in #240. We are expected to share an update on the wpt coverage by the upcoming CR publication transition expected next month. 100% test coverage is not expected for this transition, but the closer we get the better.