webmachinelearning / webnn

🧠 Web Neural Network API
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Support for transformers #375

Open dontcallmedom opened 1 year ago

dontcallmedom commented 1 year ago

While our draft charter says that the group:

priority on building blocks required by well-known model architectures such as recurrent neural network (RNN), long short-term memory (LSTM) and transformers

and while the first two are directly mentioned in WebNN, the latter aren't.

anssiko commented 1 year ago

My expectation is the WG will look at transformers and related requirements and gaps as part of its v2 feature work. We considered the initial CR "v1", so we're good to move here now.

dani-lbnl commented 1 year ago

It would be valuable to briefly state 2 main kinds of applications of transformers, namely for predictive and generative AI, and each one if not both will be included in the charter.

anssiko commented 1 year ago

Support for transformers was discussed on today's call: https://www.w3.org/2023/04/27-webmachinelearning-minutes.html#t11

The WG felt positive about the prospects of supporting transformers in WebNN and in accordance to the contribution guidelines decided to start explore applicable use cases in this issue first, then moving to investigation of samples models, cross-framework support and cross-platform implementability.

anssiko commented 1 year ago

@fdwr has been working on a Chromium WebNN prototype https://github.com/fdwr/chromium-src-webnn-dml/pull/1 to inform what additional operators are needed in WebNN to support a well-known generative AI model, Stable Diffusion. I expect this prototyping effort to help inform this discussion on use cases. I believe this prototype is WIP, so @fdwr feel free to drop a comment here when appropriate to share your findings.

@dani-lbnl do you have specific predictive or generative AI models in mind that are in use in your area of research? We could look into them more closely in a similar fashion.

anssiko commented 1 year ago

We've discussed this topic on a few of our bi-weekly calls and so far proposed investigation paths include Stable Diffusion (informed by @fdwr's Chromium experiment), SegmentAnything (thanks @huningxin!), Transformers.js/HuggingFace's transformers. Want to propose something else? Drop a comment here.

We should use this issue to discuss the most promising use cases enabled by transformers that are a good fit to be run in the browser then decomp to see what new ops would be needed in WebNN. Based on this update the use cases in the spec as appropriate.

I'm proposing we try to identify a few key use cases first to keep the spec and implementation close to each other.

I'll try to keep this topic on our bi-weekly agenda so folks can also bring their input on the call.

anssiko commented 1 year ago

@xenova may be able to provide insights from Transformers.js :-)

xenova commented 1 year ago

@xenova may be able to provide insights from Transformers.js :-)

Thanks for the ping! I'll list a few things that I have learnt/experienced while developing Transformers.js.

I'm proposing we try to identify a few key use cases first to keep the spec and implementation close to each other.

Current abilities

Transformers.js currently supports 17 different tasks in different modalities, including:

For the full list, see https://huggingface.co/docs/transformers.js/index#tasks

We're mainly focused on adding tasks which have text-based inputs at the moment, primarily due to processing limitations. Some of the other modalities work quite well (e.g., Whisper for speech-to-text; demo), while others (e.g., image segmentation) take much longer and are not suitable to CPU-based inference. Once WebGPU support is added (see here for progress), we'll continue adding the more "demanding" tasks, like text-to-image (e.g., stable diffusion).


First, a discussion on the limits. The current maximum model sizes I have tested and have got working reliably are between 800M and 1B parameters. The main contributing factors are:

  1. Memory requirements for exporting with ONNX/optimum. I've run into OOM issues when exporting larger models (see here for the open bug report). For example, attempting to export llama-7B currently has some issues (like this)
  2. 2GB protobuf limit for ONNX (see here for more info), and we don't yet support the "external data" format.
  3. 4GB WASM limit (32-bit address space) means there is a hard limit for running models (for loading and for inference). There are some workarounds (especially when using WebGPU; see web-llm for examples).
  4. Willingness of users to download large models. Although models can be cached (i.e., download once, use forever), the lack of a unified caching system means there's no sharing of weights across sites. This leads to duplicate weights being stored in the same browser. Also, no one wants a website to just download model weights in the background while they simply browse. Websites should clearly indicate that they will download a model (including its size), and should only start after the user provides consent.

Focusing on NLP tasks, we've been able to get relatively large models running in the browser with onnxruntime-web (using their WASM backend). This includes:

However, in practice (especially due to current tech limitations), loading such large (general) models are better run outside of a browser. Once WebGPU becomes more standardized and approaches native performance (currently impacted by redundant bounds checking), this might change. But as of right now, I think it's best to focus on specific use cases.

Practical use cases

I've mentioned to a some people that the original reason I developed Transformers.js was out of a need to run a ML-powered chrome extension to block spam YouTube comments. I tested BERT, DistilBERT, and T5, and they all worked pretty well! There are some problems with multithreading in chrome extensions at the moment (like this), but once that is fixed, I think you'll see many more ML-powered chrome extensions which run locally in browsers.

Anyway, here are some actually useful ideas:

  1. Text classification - for similar use-cases to spam detection.
  2. Embeddings. We support sentence-transformers for computing embeddings client side. These vectors (typically 512 or 768 dimensions) can then be sent to some backend vector database for quick lookups (meaning the server doesn't have to perform embedding calculations). With a ton of hype currently around vector databases and semantic search (especially across modalities; e.g., text <-> image), this may prove fruitful in future.
  3. Automatic Speech Recognition: As shown above, getting whisper running in the browser (with pretty decent speeds, even on CPU) is a pretty neat example of running models which do not only use textual inputs. Due to the plethora of Web APIs that browsers provide to web developers in a sandboxed-environment, I anticipate greater adoption of multimodal models in the future.
  4. Text-to-text/text-generation. This may include summarization, translation, code completion. These are language models which are finetuned for a very specific use case (as opposed to general LLMs).

I look forward to seeing the progression of the WebNN standard, and I hope that one day we can add it as a backend of Transformers.js!

anssiko commented 1 year ago

This topic was discussed on our 8 June 2023 call where @xenova gave a well-received presentation on Transformers.js (thanks!).

The WG had an active discussion around the presented Transformers.js-enabled use cases. Transformers.js demonstrates a number of transformer-centric generative models for various real-world tasks are now feasible in the browser:

These tasks will now inform the WG's WebNN v2 feature priorities similarly to how the majority of the WG's existing WebNN v1 use cases were informed by predictive ("old school AI") models when we initiated this effort. Notably, also many of the existing WebNN v1 use cases such as those NLP-related are now improved with transformers.

This issues remains open for further feedback, comments and contributions from other projects in this space. I expect the ongoing Stable Diffusion Chromium experiment to soon provide additional insights into text-to-image use case feasibility in the browser context.

Thank you for your continued contributions everyone! :rocket:

anssiko commented 1 year ago

We continued transformer-centric discussion on our 29 June 2023 call where @fdwr gave another well-received and informative presentation on Transformer models via WebNN in ORT & Chromium (thanks again!). We agreed to use this and the earlier Transformers.js presentation as input to inform our v2 op effort. We welcome further contributions from anyone interested in this space.

We discussed our intent to start with a tracking issue for v2 ops (we can reuse this issue or spin a new) and have op-specific detailed discussion in specific issues. We will use our contributing guidelines as the guide but on the high level we want to provide a list of proposed new ops and data types to support transformer-based generative AI use cases for key models. This allows us to seek broader review outside this group for the proposed expanded op set.

fdwr commented 1 year ago

so fdwr feel free to drop a comment here when appropriate to share your findings.

From this presentation and prototype IDL, these operators are needed for:

Elementwise comparison


Compares two inputs of the same element data type and returns an 8-bit tensor with 0=false or 1=true. It follows standard IEEE rules for NaNs. Denormal/subnormal comparison behavior is unspecified, dependent on the device CPU/GPU/NPU.

partial interface MLGraphBuilder {
  MLOperand equal(MLOperand a, MLOperand b);


output[i] = (a[i] == b[i]) for each element.

Element data types:


partial interface MLGraphBuilder {
  MLOperand greater(MLOperand a, MLOperand b);


output[i] = a[i] > b[i] for each element.

Element data types:


partial interface MLGraphBuilder {
  MLOperand lesser(MLOperand a, MLOperand b);


output[i] = a[i] < b[i] for each element.

Element data types:

Alternate names?

Elementwise logical functions/selection


Inverts every element of an 8-bit tensor, not to be confused with a bitwiseNot which inverts each bit. So input of 0 yields 1, and 1-255 yields 0.


output[i] = !!input[i] for each element.

Element data types:

(future: logicalAnd, logicalOr, logicalXor, bitwiseAnd, bitwiseOr, bitwiseXor...)

elementwiseIf / ternary select

A per-element immediate if (or ternary operator) that selects from one tensor or the other depending on the condition. The input to this is often the output from an earlier comparison operator.

partial interface MLGraphBuilder {
  MLOperand elementwiseIf(MLOperand condition, MLOperand trueValues, MLOperand falseValues);


output[i] = iif(condition[i], trueValues[i], falseValues[i]) for each element.

Decomposition: add(mul(trueValues, cast(condition, typeof(trueValues)), mul(falseValues, cast(logicalNot(condition), typeof(falseValues)))

Element data types:


Input tensors are broadcasted to the final output shape. So given condition.shape=[10,1], trueValues.shape=[10,1], and falseValues.shape=[1,10], then output.shape=[10,10]. References: NumPy, ONNX, TF, PyTorch

Alternate names: stablehlo.select, tosa.select, HLSL select, torch.where (a rather unintuitive name), ONNX.Where.


For set completeness, these two are worth considering too (not in the models, but missing them would be an awkward gap). Note greaterOrEqual can usually be implemented in terms of logicalNot(lesser(x)) (and similiarly lesserOrEqual as a decomposition of logicalNot(greater(x)), but they are not equivalent when NaN's are involved. Saying x >= NaN (false) is different from !(x < NaN) (true).

More elementwise unary operations


Returns the input as-is. Although it's a nop copy, having this completes the set (every ML framework has one), provides a direct mapping for frameworks, and is a useful placeholder in more complex graphs that you can insert without the caller needing to stitching up topology (e.g. swapping out an activation function with a nop, or working around issues with split where multiple inputs have the same name). We've already encountered cases where having this would have been useful when mapping from ONNX Runtime to WebNN too.

partial interface MLGraphBuilder {
  MLOperand identity(MLOperand input);


output[i] = input[i] for each element.

Element data types:

Alternate names?


Elementwise square root. See https://github.com/webmachinelearning/webnn/issues/438. Tis equivalent to pow(input, 0.5), but since sqrt is such a common case, for which many backends have optimized versions, having a dedicated operator is worthwhile. It also avoids callers needing to allocate tiny temporary scalar tensors for the 0.5.

partial interface MLGraphBuilder {
  MLOperand sqrt(MLOperand input);


output[i] = sqrt(input[i]) for each element.

Element data types:


The Gauss error function occurs frequently in probability statistics.

partial interface MLGraphBuilder {
  MLOperand erf(MLOperand input);


Polynomial expansion approximation

var a1 =  0.254829592
var a2 = -0.284496736
var a3 =  1.421413741
var a4 = -1.453152027
var a5 =  1.061405429
var p  =  0.3275911
var x  =  abs(input)
var t  =  1.0 / (1.0 + p * x)
var y  =  1.0 - (((((a5 * t + a4) * t) + a3) * t + a2) * t + a1) * t * exp(-x * x)
output[i] = y * sign(input)

Element data types:


This inverse is often used in conjunction with multiplication because it's faster than division. GPU's typically implement a dedicated "rcp" instruction which is actually how division is often achieved (rather than a dedicated division instruction). So supporting this operator directly allows more efficient mapping to hardware, and it avoids the extra scalar tensor allocation and broadcasting.

partial interface MLGraphBuilder {
  MLOperand reciprocal(MLOperand input);


output[i] = 1 / input[i]

Element data types:

Reshaping operations

Reshaping operations do not modify the values, just reinterpret the elements with a new shape. Following are a class of operators that should either all be added to the set, or they should all be just resolved into the explicit shape by the caller and implemented via reshape. The current situation is a bit goofy where we have squeeze in the spec but not its matching counterpart unsqueeze (issue https://github.com/webmachinelearning/webnn/issues/296). Originally I leaned toward adding all 4 of these, and I implemented them in my fork, but now I'd rather the caller resolve them because distinct operators offer no hardware advantages, the caller implementation to resolve the shape is trivial, internally the other operators are immediately resolved into a reshape anyway, and it reduces test complexity for WebNN implementations.


I recommend deleting this, having callers implement this themselves instead via reshape by resolving the shape with a few lines of caller code. That reduces higher level policy (such as the empty axis case which varies per framework) and WebNN testing complexity.

Removes dimensions of size 1 from the previous shape and reshapes. This is present in WebNN as of 2023-08-10 and misses its counterpart unsqueeze.

partial interface MLGraphBuilder {
  MLOperand squeeze(MLOperand input, optional MLSqueezeOptions options = {});


newShape = input.shape
if axes.empty then axes = [0,1,2,...]
foreach axis in reverse(sort(axes))
    if newShape[axis] == 1
return reshape(input, newShape)

Element data types:


I recommend callers implement this themselves instead via reshape by resolving the shape with a few lines of caller code, which reduces higher level policy and WebNN testing complexity.

Reinserts 1's into the new shape and reshapes.

partial interface MLGraphBuilder {
  MLOperand unsqueeze(MLOperand input, MLSqueezeOptions options);


newShape = input.shape
foreach axis in sort(axes)
    newShape.insert(axis, 1)
return reshape(input, newShape)

Element data types:


I recommend callers implement this themselves instead via reshape by resolving the shape with a few lines of caller code, which reduces higher level policy and WebNN testing complexity.

Reshapes an ND shape to 2D, using the axis as a split point to flatten each subrange (e.g. given input.shape=[2,3,4,5] and axis=2, then output.shape=[6,20]; given input.shape=[2,3,4,5] and axis=0, then output.shape=[1,120]).

partial interface MLGraphBuilder {
  MLOperand flattenTo2d(MLOperand input, unsigned long axis);


inputRank = input.shape.size()
elementsBefore = reduceProd(input.shape[0..axis], 1)
elementsAfter  = reduceProd(input.shape[axis..inputRank], 1)
newShape = [elementsBefore, elementsAfter]
return reshape(input, newShape)

Element data types:

Data rearrangement operations

These project/rearrange data, extending the existing ones of the class (concat/slice/split/transpose/pad/...).


Expands (or broadcasts) a small input to a large size, where any dimension of size 1 becomes the output shape. Consistent with broadcasting rules, the input dimensions must be 1 or must match the corresponding output dimensions.

partial interface MLGraphBuilder {
  MLOperand expand(MLOperand input, sequence<unsigned long> newShape);


foreach outputCoordinate in output
    // getInputCoordinate is a function that maps any output coordinate back to the corresponding
    // input coordinate, by setting any input coordinate to 0 if the input dimension has a size of 1,
    // meaning it was broadcasted.
    inputCoordinate = getInputCoordinate(outputCoordinate, input.shape, output.shape)
    output[outputCoordinate] = input[inputCoordinate]

Element data types:


Gathers various parts of the input using the indices.

dictionary MLGatherOptions {
  // TODO: Should axis just be a function parameter?
  // Sometimes it is (concat), but other times it is not (e.g. MLSplitOptions).
  // So what is the WebNN rule here?
  unsigned long axis = 0;

partial interface MLGraphBuilder {
  MLOperand gather(MLOperand input, MLOperand indices, optional MLGatherOptions options = {});


Complicated to fit entirely here when considering multiple dimensions, but for the simpler 1D case:

output[i] = input[indices[i]]


Element data types:

(per Jiewei's comment below) Implementations must not read out of bounds, either clamping that read to the end of the tensor (e.g. value = input[min(elementOffset, lastValidOffset)]) or returning an out-of-bounds value like 0. When processing on devices like NPU's/GPU's, the data has already been submitted, and they do not "throw exceptions" deep inside during processing.

Normalization operations

When you look holistically at the zoo of normalization operations (layerNormalization, instanceNormalization, batchNormalization, grouped channel normalization...) you realize a few things:

This leads me to propose that the existing variants batchNormalization and instanceNormalization be deleted, and that layerNormalization (needed for SAM decode and SD Unet post-Olive) not be introduced. Instead we just have MVN with an axes parameter, and each of these are implemented in terms of MVN. This also simplifies other aspects. Different frameworks/libraries have differing rules about which shapes are compatible and how to align them, but being explicit at the lower WebNN level eliminates higher level policies around remapping 1D tensors and even eliminates the need for MLInputOperandLayout in instanceNormalization, a concept that need not apply at this low level after realizing there are no special semantics to dimensions here - they're all just numbered axes.

If backends have optimized implementations for specific axes, mapping the axes field to them is trivial. Otherwise, there remains a decomposition.



dictionary MLMeanVarianceNormalizationOptions {
  MLOperand mean;
  MLOperand variance;
  MLOperand scale;
  MLOperand bias;
  float epsilon = 1e-5;
  sequence<[EnforceRange] unsigned long> axes;

partial interface MLGraphBuilder {
  // implements instanceNormalization/layerNormalization/batchNormalization/grouped channel normalization
  MLOperand meanVarianceNormalization(MLOperand input, optional MLMeanVarianceNormalizationOptions options = {});


func meanVarianceNormalization(input, mean, variance, scale, bias, reducedAxes)
    if no mean
        mean = reduceMean(input, reducedAxes, keepDimensions = true)
    inputRecentered = input - mean
    if no variance
        variance = reduceMean(inputRecentered * inputRecentered, reducedAxes, keepDimensions = true)
    return inputRecentered / sqrt(variance + epsilon) * scale + bias

MVN is not limited to 4D (it can take any dimension count, just like reduce), but for example's sake, given a 4D tensor, the following mappings apply:

// "layer" normalization:
// input.shape = [N,C,H,W]
// scale.shape = input.shape[firstAxis..input.rank]
//          so = [N,C,H,W] if firstAxis = 0
//             =   [C,H,W] if firstAxis = 1
//             =     [H,W] if firstAxis = 2
//             =       [W] if firstAxis = 3
// bias.shape  = input.shape[firstAxis..input.rank]
func onnxLayerNormalization(input, scale, bias, firstAxis = 1)
    // Reduce along dimensions from the first axis onward.
    // So for the default axis = 1, that means channel, width, and height (independently per batch).
    // For 4D and axis = 1, axes = [1,2,3].
    // For 5D and axis = 1, axes = [1,2,3,4].
    // For 3D and axis = 2, axes = [2].
    reducedAxes = getSequence(firstAxis, input.rank)

    // Reshape scale and bias to same rank as input, directly broadcastable without realignment.
    // e.g. Given input shape [2,3,4,5] and axis = 2 yields [1,1,4,5].
    shapeCompatibleToInput = keepShapeGivenAxes(input.shape, reducedAxes)
    scale = reshape(scale, shapeCompatibleToInput)
    bias = reshape(bias, shapeCompatibleToInput)

    return meanVarianceNormalization(input, none, none, scale, bias, reducedAxes)
// "instance" normalization:
// input.shape = [N,C,H,W]
// scale.shape = [C]
// bias.shape  = [C]
func instanceNormalization(input, scale, bias)
    // Reduce along width and height (independently per batch and channel).
    // For 4D, axes = [2,3]
    // For 5D, axes = [2,3,4]
    reducedAxes = getSequence(2, input.rank)

    // Reshape scale and bias compatibly to input rather than 1D tensors of size C.
    // e.g. [3] yields [1, 3, 1, 1]
    shapeCompatibleToInput = keepShapeGivenAxes(input.shape, [1])
    scale = reshape(scale, shapeCompatibleToInput)
    bias = reshape(bias, shapeCompatibleToInput)

    meanVarianceNormalization(input, none, none, scale, bias, axes)
// "batch" normalization:
// input.shape = [N,C,H,W]
// scale.shape = input.shape[featureAxis..featureAxis+1]
//          so = [N] if feature axis = 0
//             = [C] if feature axis = 1
//             = [H] if feature axis = 2
//             = [W] if feature axis = 3
// bias.shape  = input.shape[featureAxis..featureAxis+1]
func batchNormalization(input, mean, variance, scale, bias, featureAxis = 1)
    // Given feature axis = 1, reduce along batch, width, and height (independently per channel).
    // For 4D and axis = 1, axes = [0,2,3].
    // For 5D and axis = 2, axes = [0,1,3,4].
    reducedAxes = getComplementSequence([featureAxis], inputRank)

    // Reshape scale, bias, and others compatibly to input rather than 1D tensors of size input.shape[axis].
    // e.g. [3] and axis = 2 yields [1, 1, 3, 1]
    shapeCompatibleToInput = keepShapeGivenAxes(input.shape, [featureAxis])
    scale = reshape(scale, shapeCompatibleToInput)
    bias = reshape(bias, shapeCompatibleToInput)

    return meanVarianceNormalization(input, mean, variance, scale, bias, reducedAxes)
// input.shape = [N,C,H,W]
// scale.shape = [channelGroupCount]
// bias.shape  = [channelGroupCount]
func groupedChannelNormalization(input, scale, bias, channelGroupCount)
    // Reduce along subchannel, width, and height (independently per batch and per channel group).
    reducedAxes = [2,3,4] // subchannel, height, width

    // Reshape the input so we can virtually access subchannels within C, reshaping from 4D up to 5D.
    oldShape = input.shape
    newShape = [oldShape.N, channelGroupCount, oldShape.C / channelGroupCount, oldShape.height, oldShape.width]
    reshapedInput = reshape(input, newShape)

    // Reshape scale, bias, and others compatibly to the new input rather than 1D tensors of size channelGroupCount.
    // e.g. Input original shape = [2,12,5,6]
    //      Input new shape      = [2,3,4,5,6]
    //      channelGroupCount    = 3
    //      ->
    //      compatible shape     = [1,3,1,1,1]
    shapeCompatibleToInput = keepShapeGivenAxes(newShape, [1])
    scale = reshape(scale, shapeCompatibleToInput)
    bias = reshape(bias, shapeCompatibleToInput)

    return meanVarianceNormalization(reshapedInput, none, none, scale, bias, reducedAxes)

Normalization mini-helpers:

// Returns a sequence of contiguous values from inclusive start to exclusive end.
// For start = 2, end = 4, you get [2,3].
// For start = 1, end = 5, you get [1,2,3,4].
func getSequence(inclusiveStart, exclusiveEnd)
    newValues = []
    for i = 0 up to exclusiveEnd
    return newValues

// Returns a complementary sequence to the given values (the opposite of what was passed).
// For rank 4 and values = [1,3], you get [0,2].
// For rank 5 and values = [2], you get [0,1,3,4].
func getComplementSequence(values, exclusiveEnd)
    complementValues = []
    for i in exclusiveEnd
        if not i in values
    return complementValues

// Keeps the all shape values that are in axes, masking any others to 1's.
// This is useful for creating a broadcast compatible shape.
// e.g. shape = [2,3,4,5], axes = [1], yields [1,3,1,1]
// e.g. shape = [3,4,5], axes = [0,2], yields [3,1,5]
func keepShapeGivenAxes(shape, axes)
    newShape = shape
    for i in shape.rank
        if not i in axes
            newShape[i] = 1 // Not in axes, so force to 1. Otherwise preserve.

Element data types:


Index seeking operations


Returns the index along the axis (not the absolute element index) of the first greatest or smallest element. Normally the scan proceeds forward, increasing along the axis until finding a better match. Some implementations in the case of ties will return the first match (TensorFlow), whereas others will return the last tie (PyTorch). The selectLastIndex field reverses the search direction.

dictionary MLArgMinMaxOptions {
  unsigned long axis = 0;
  boolean keepDimensions = false;
  boolean selectLastIndex = false; // selects the *last* index rather than the first find along axis
  //  NAMING: Maybe an enum for scanDirection or tieBreakerFirst/Last would be clearer?
partial interface MLGraphBuilder {
  MLOperand argMax(MLOperand input, optional MLArgMinMaxOptions options = {});
partial interface MLGraphBuilder {
  MLOperand argMin(MLOperand input, optional MLArgMinMaxOptions options = {});

Element data types:



Casts each element to the target element data type. All combinations are possible, and implementations should provide as accurate as possible a conversion (as if a static cast was executed directly from the source type to the destination type), but the rules are not specified exactly how rounding occurs and whether denorms are zeroed, as GPU/NPU hardware differs (there are however expected tolerances).

partial interface MLGraphBuilder {
  MLOperand cast(MLOperand input, MLOperandDataType operandDataType);

Element data types:


Since supporting every (source data type) x (target data type) incurs a cross product of implementations, backends are welcome to mitigate the number of combinations in any way such that the same result would be achieved as if there was a direct conversion, including intermediate conversions. e.g. if the source was uint8, it could be upconverted to uint32, and then converted from uint32 to float32.


Fills a sequence into the output tensor, starting from a lower bound and incrementing by the delta. The tensor is filled sequentially as if it was a single long 1D tensor. So a [3,2] tensor with start=4 and delta=2 would have values [[4,6],[8,10],[12,14]]. Notice this operator has no input tensor, purely an output, which implies as a consequence (since you can legally have a graph with only this one operator in it) that graphs can legally have 0 bound inputs.

dictionary MLFillSequenceOptions {
  float start = 0;
  float delta = 1;

partial interface MLGraphBuilder {
  MLOperand fillSequence(MLOperandDataType operandDataType, sequence<unsigned long> outputShape, optional MLFillSequenceOptions options = {});

Element data types:


Keeps either the upper half or lower half of a diagonal triangular matrix, filling the other half with zeros.

// If upper, then the upper diagonal is preserved, and the bottom half is filled with zeros.
enum MLTriangularPart { "upper", "lower" };

dictionary MLTriangularMatrixOptions {
  MLTriangularPart triangularPart;
  long diagonalDelta;
  // diagonalDelta is a horizontal shift. So positive delta means that for an the upper triangular matrix,
  // the value mask is shifted rightward.

partial interface MLGraphBuilder {
  MLOperand triangularMatrix(MLOperand input, optional MLTriangularMatrixOptions options = {});
for every coordinate
    if mode enum keep upper half ◥
        preserveInput = ((coordinate.x - coordinate.y) >= shift)
    else mode enum keep lower half ◣
        preserveInput = ((coordinate.x - coordinate.y) < shift)
    output[coordinate] = preserveInput ? input[coordinate] : 0


Element data types:

shape() method

Reports the current shape of an MLOperand from the MLGraphBuilder. See details here for justification: https://github.com/webmachinelearning/webnn/issues/379.

interface MLOperand {
   sequence<unsigned long> shape(MLOperand input);

New data types

The lack of int64/uint64 caused pain since all the indices (gather, argMin, argMax...) in the models were 64-bit, and even if we forced those relevant operators to int32/uint32 by casting at runtime, the cast operator itself had no way to express such a conversion without the enum. So, int64/uint64 type support was added to the fork.

enum MLOperandDataType { // formerly MLOperandType: https://github.com/webmachinelearning/webnn/issues/454

Backends which do not support int64/uint64 natively can emulate them. It's not expected that all operators would support them, just the basic arithmetic ones (add/sub/mul/div/...) and data manipulation ones (slice/concat/transpose/...). It's also not expected that just because the indices are 64-bit that individual tensors will be greater than 4GB, as there may be other limitations in the underlying hardware/API's. As a work-around for missing arithmetic support, backends could read only the lower 32-bits of elements and use a doubled-strides trick, but it's not recommended. The ORT DirectML execution provider originally did this (which worked okay for a few years, but it became increasingly problematic as models grew over time). So it's wiser to emulate it via two reads of lower and upper 32-bits.

Data type support in libraries

Shape issues

We had several issues implementing these models due to WebNN casually treating 0D scalars as if they are 1D arrays (see details: https://github.com/webmachinelearning/webnn/issues/390). It's important that the semantic distinction be preserved between them.

TOSA/StableHLO Mappings

Most of these proposed operators are fairly primitive and have mappings to primitives in TOSA or StableHLO.

WebNN operator TOSA Stable HLO
argMax tosa.argmax ---
argMin tosa.argmin ---
cast tosa.cast stablehlo.convert
elementwiseIf tosa.select stablehlo.select
equal tosa.equal stablehlo.compare EQ
erf tosa.erf ---
expand tosa.tile(a, tosa.div(b.shape, a.shape)) stablehlo.broadcast_in_dim?
fillSequence --- stablehlo.iota (lacks start and step)
gather tosa.gather stablehlo.gather? (much more complicated)
greater tosa.greater stablehlo.compare GT
greaterOrEqual tosa.greater_equal stablehlo.compare GE
identity tosa.identity ---
lesser --- stablehlo.compare LT
lesserOrEqual --- stablehlo.compare LE
logicalNot tosa.logical_not stablehlo.not with bool
meanVarianceNormalization --- (nearest is stablehlo.batch_norm_inference)
reciprocal tosa.reciprocal ---
reshape tosa.reshape stablehlo.reshape
sqrt tosa.reciprocal(tosa.rsqrt) or tosa.pow stablehlo.sqrt
triangularMatrix --- ---

Questions for readers:

Chai will create a review for it - we can comment on the details there...

anssiko commented 1 year ago

The WG would like to add also text-to-text models.

@xenova, given your relevant Transformers.js experience, please feel free to propose text-to-text model(s) you think are the most appropriate targets.

(This topic was discussed at WebML WG Teleconference – 24 August 2023.)

xenova commented 1 year ago

@xenova, given your relevant Transformers.js experience, please feel free to propose text-to-text model(s) you think are the most appropriate targets.

I'd love to! I'll break them up into text-to-text generation (encoder-decoder) models and text-generation (decoder-only) models:

Text-to-text generation (encoder-decoder)

Of the trending text-to-text models on the Hugging Face Hub, the majority are t5-based or some variation thereof (e.g., flan-t5-base, t5-v1_1, mt5-base). Even newer models like musicgen-small use a t5 text-encoder. Other non-t5 architectures include m2m100 (e.g., m2m100_418M) and bart (e.g., rebel-large).

Click to see image of most-downloaded text-to-text models in the past 30 days ![image](https://github.com/webmachinelearning/webnn/assets/26504141/c479eef6-6723-4ee4-99a9-7febf98684f0) see latest list: https://huggingface.co/models?pipeline_tag=text2text-generation&sort=downloads

In fact, I've actually already added support for each of these architectures (except musicgen) to Transformers.js, for tasks including translation, summarization, or even instruction finetuned text2text models.

Text-generation (decoder-only)

On the other hand, taking a look at the trending text-generation models, we unsurprisingly see a ton of llama models pop up: base models (e.g., llama-2-7b) as well as finetuned versions (e.g., Platypus2-70B-instruct) for conversational use-cases. However, in a web context, I haven't seen anything larger than 7 billion parameters run in the browser. To see what's currently "state-of-the-art", check out the Open LLM Leaderboard; you can also sort by model sizes (<1B, ~3B, and ~7B are most relevant to our discussions).

As a side note, for those unaware, other projects (particularly mlc.ai) have demonstrated that it is possible to run 7-billion parameter models in the browser with WebGPU, with 4-bit quantization.

Click to see image of most-downloaded text-generation models in the past 30 days ![image](https://github.com/webmachinelearning/webnn/assets/26504141/1444cba6-064b-459f-af25-6445cb7e59bf) see latest list: https://huggingface.co/models?pipeline_tag=text-generation&sort=downloads

On the smaller (and more reasonable/manageable) side of things, models like gpt2, bloom, gpt-neo are strong contenders for use in web browsers, and are very useful when finetuned on specific use-cases. My favorite use-case right now is code-completion. In these cases, the best models I've seen are: StarCoder, CodeGen, and DeciCoder. I created a little playground/demo to showcase these models being run in-browser with Transformers.js, which you can play around with here (or see the demo video).

anssiko commented 1 year ago

Per WebML WG Teleconference – 7 September 2023 discussions, the following architectures were proposed as additional targets to provide a baseline for a range of browser-friendly use cases in: • Text-to-text generation (encoder-decoder) -> t5 and m2m100 • Text-generation (decoder-only) -> llama

Thanks @xenova for sharing all the insights and data from Hugging Face Hub that helps the group make informed decisions!

With the model targets in place and agreed, we will follow a similar path as with the first-wave models: do an op breakdown to better understand what is common across these architectures so we can make informed decisions on priorities. We'll conduct this evaluation in public and welcome contributions.

Honry commented 1 year ago

All these transformer models contain dynamic shape, and a good news that ONNX Runtime Web recently enabled a really useful feature: sessionOptions.freeDimensionOverrides, that supports dynamic shape models by setting free dimensions.

Besides, ONNX Runtime provides various graph optimizations to improve the performance. Such as constant folding, shape inference, node eliminations, node fusions and so on. This is enabled by default during initializing an inference session. I.e. The ONNX Runtime Web applies all enabled graph optimizations before performing model inference.

That means, the WebNN EP will actually run the optimized graphs rather than the original dynamic shape models. After graph optimization, I found number of nodes are eliminated or fused. Follow's the comparison table, you will have a completed view of ops change during graph optimization in all these transformer models.


Honry commented 1 year ago

Please check the original source data of above spreadsheet from https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1ELfHuv2UqP2LoXWLgqsC0L8T_qqfBx48KxzFighl8d8/edit#gid=86906292.

Next step, I will integrate the data from @fdwr's comment to the table for TOSA and StableHLO mapping.

wacky6 commented 12 months ago

Regarding gather op:

This looks identical to index based accessor, and could lead to out-of-bounds read. I don't think Ahead-of-Time checks are possible because indices are dynamic.

I think the spec should explicitly define such behavior.

Backends seem to have different opinions on how this should be handled:

I brought this up based on a recently published WebGPU security technical report: https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/src/+/main/docs/security/research/graphics/webgpu_technical_report.md

I'd recommend a read because it provides insight into what kind of security challenges we could face by exposing access to low level hardware (e.g. something can DMA).

My takeaways:

sushraja-msft commented 11 months ago

Just checking, regarding Sqrt - supported data type sections reads

Element data types: input: all supported data types output: all supported data types

Is that intentional or shouldn't this be just floats.

fdwr commented 11 months ago

regarding Sqrt ... Is that intentional or shouldn't this be just floats.

@sushraja-msft: Thanks - fixed typo.

anssiko commented 11 months ago

This issue has been and will be discussed actively on our calls to keep us focused on this priority task. Please continue to use this issue for feedback, suggestions, questions.

The WG currently believes the following 7 models across 4 broad modalities represent good targets for this push:

The WG also believes these models are implementable on major platforms and address diverse browser-friendly use cases with user demand. The WG participants continue implementation efforts to help inform this work. We may adjust this selection of models if new information emerges from these experiments.

Please see the op breakdown table for a detailed mapping of these models to proposed new ops. Included is also ONNX, TOSA, StableHLO op set mapping for comparison. Many thanks to @Honry for maintaining this table.

tqchen commented 11 months ago

Great to see this thread, as part of of WebLLM project https://github.com/mlc-ai/web-llm We are also building related compilation flows for WebGPU, with ability to run llama up to 70b(with latest M2 max) https://webllm.mlc.ai/

There are great synergies to webnn related projects that possibly enables future hybrid executions of models(e.g. webgpu for customized op and some through webnn)

anssiko commented 11 months ago

@tqchen thanks for your feedback! This WG has discussed WebLLM and is hugely inspired by the project. We'd be happy to have a high-bandwidth discussion with you to hear your learnings and suggestions around hybrid execution on one of our future bi-weekly calls when it fits your schedule. We meet Thu 7 am Pacific.

The feedback from Transformers.js, ONNX Runtime Web, TF.js and other frameworks have informed WebNN API development and direction. We'd like to get your first-hand insights considered too, including hearing about any browser-specific workarounds and optimizations you've had to make to get large-language models running in today's browser builds. We can help get any such issues looked at with the help of browser engineers who participate this WG.

Edit: Spun off into its own issue: #480

philloooo commented 10 months ago

hi! I did an experiment to try to convert from the original pytorch whisper model to webnn by hand, here are some gaps I find needed for the whisper model, aside from the new ops you are proposing:

@anssiko @wchao1115 @fdwr I am still new to this space, let me know if I misunderstood anything :)

anssiko commented 10 months ago

@philloooo thanks for this experiment, @xenova may have insights on this given his recent work on whisper-tiny and also distil-whisper.

fdwr commented 10 months ago

hi! I did an experiment to try to convert from the original pytorch whisper model to webnn by hand, here are some gaps I find needed for the whisper model, aside from the new ops you are proposing:

@philloooo Hi Yajing. Cool, you're trying out WebNN. Thanks for your observations.

philloooo commented 10 months ago

thanks! @fdwr Another question is - for dynamically shaped inputs for the autoregressive decoders of transformer models, do we have a way to do that through webnn?

fdwr commented 10 months ago

thanks! @fdwr Another question is - for dynamically shaped inputs for the autoregressive decoders of transformer models, do we have a way to do that through webnn?

@philloooo: WebNN focuses on statically compiled graphs (at least as of this comment, meaning for a different size, you need to rebuild the graph), but one common technique in such cases is to round up. For example with Stable Diffusion, the text prompt is a variable size, but the token id input is padded with empty tokens and rounded up to 77 tokens, and so the same graph can work with multiple different prompts.

anssiko commented 10 months ago

It is my honour to announce the WG has just reached another major milestone by adding support for operations needed for well-known transformers! 👏 :rocket:

This work happened in PR #478 and is now delivered as a new W3C Candidate Recommendation Draft published on 11 December 2023 at https://www.w3.org/TR/webnn/

For a summary of changes, see:

Thank you everyone, in particular the editors @wchao1115 @huningxin & co who diligently worked on this PR addressing in total 195 review comments, @fdwr @xenova for key contributions that helped shape and formulate the initial scope in https://github.com/webmachinelearning/webnn/issues/375#issuecomment-1674224992 and https://github.com/webmachinelearning/webnn/issues/375#issuecomment-1693955191, @Honry for the transformer models analysis, @BruceDai @mei1127 for WPT and webnn-baseline contributions, @wacky6 for continued careful review and comments also via Chromium CLs, @inexorabletash @zolkis for contributions that helped keep this PR aligned with the latest spec authoring conventions, @miaobin @shiyi9801 @RafaelCintron for all the implementation-informed insights, and all the other contributors whose GH handles escaped me right now -- your contributions are equally appreciated!

Please join us to celebrate this major milestone on our 14 December 2023 teleconference! 🥳 🍿

(We will keep this meta issue open for discussion on future enhancements.)

fdwr commented 1 month ago

We analyzed another two dozen models, notably adding the top 20 downloaded hugging face models, to see which common operators are missing...


Model Category Link Notes
MobileNet_V2 Image Classification https://github.com/onnx/models/validated/vision/classification/mobilenet
ResNet50 Image Classification https://github.com/onnx/models/validated/vision/classification/resnet
EfficientNet-Lite4 Image Classification https://github.com/onnx/models/validated/vision/classification/efficientnet-lite4
SqueezeNet Image Classification https://github.com/onnx/models/validated/vision/classification/squeezenet
Whisper Base Speech-to-Text https://huggingface.co/microsoft/whisper-base-webnn
Segment Anything Segmentation https://huggingface.co/microsoft/segment-anything-model-webnn
Stable Diffusion v1.5 Image Generation https://huggingface.co/microsoft/stable-diffusion-v1.5-webnn
Stable Diffusion Turbo Image Generation https://huggingface.co/microsoft/sd-turbo-webnn
Phi 3 mini Small Language Model https://huggingface.co/microsoft/Phi-3-mini-4k-instruct-onnx-web
Tiny-llama Small Language Model https://huggingface.co/Xenova/TinyLLama-v0 https://huggingface.co/Xenova/TinyLlama-1.1B-Chat-v1.0 LLM support
Yolov8 Object detection https://github.com/ultralytics/ultralytics
DETR Object detection https://huggingface.co/Xenova/detr-resnet-50, https://huggingface.co/Xenova/detr-resnet-101
Llama3 Large Language Model https://huggingface.co/aless2212/Meta-Llama-3-8B-Instruct-onnx-fp16
nomic-ai/nomic-embed-text-v1.5 Sentence similarity https://huggingface.co/nomic-ai/nomic-embed-text-v1.5 HF Top 20
Supabase/gte-small Feature Extraction https://huggingface.co/Supabase/gte-small HF Top 20
mixedbread-ai/mxbai-embed-large-v1 Feature Extraction https://huggingface.co/mixedbread-ai/mxbai-embed-large-v1 HF Top 20
nomic-ai/nomic-embed-text-v1 Sentence similarity https://huggingface.co/nomic-ai/nomic-embed-text-v1 HF Top 20
WhereIsAI/UAE-Large-V1 Feature Extraction https://huggingface.co/WhereIsAI/UAE-Large-V1 HF Top 20
distil-whisper/distil-medium.en Speech Recognition https://huggingface.co/distil-whisper/distil-medium.en HF Top 20
Alibaba-NLP/gte-base-en-v1.5 Sentence similarity https://huggingface.co/Alibaba-NLP/gte-base-en-v1.5 HF Top 20
jonathandinu/face-parsing Image segmentation https://huggingface.co/jonathandinu/face-parsing HF Top 20
jinaai/jina-clip-v1 Feature extraction https://huggingface.co/jinaai/jina-clip-v1 HF Top 20
mixedbread-ai/mxbai-rerank-base-v1 Text classification https://huggingface.co/mixedbread-ai/mxbai-rerank-base-v1 HF Top 20
Snowflake/snowflake-arctic-embed-m Sentence similarity https://huggingface.co/Snowflake/snowflake-arctic-embed-m HF Top 20
jinaai/jina-embeddings-v2-base-code Feature extraction https://huggingface.co/jinaai/jina-embeddings-v2-base-code HF Top 20
Xenova/llama2.c-stories15M Text generation https://huggingface.co/Xenova/llama2.c-stories15M HF Top 20
corto-ai/nomic-embed-text-v1 Sentence similarity https://huggingface.co/corto-ai/nomic-embed-text-v1 HF Top 20
jinaai/jina-reranker-v1-turbo-en Text classification https://huggingface.co/jinaai/jina-reranker-v1-turbo-en HF Top 20
Xenova/bge-reranker-base Text classification https://huggingface.co/Xenova/bge-reranker-base HF Top 20
Xenova/bge-large-en-v1.5 Feature extraction https://huggingface.co/Xenova/bge-large-en-v1.5 HF Top 20
Xenova/distiluse-base-multilingual-cased-v2 Feature extraction https://huggingface.co/Xenova/distiluse-base-multilingual-cased-v2 HF Top 20
Xenova/paraphrase-multilingual-mpnet-base-v2 Feature extraction https://huggingface.co/Xenova/paraphrase-multilingual-mpnet-base-v2 HF Top 20
CAiRE/UniVaR-lambda-1 Sentence similarity https://huggingface.co/CAiRE/UniVaR-lambda-1 HF Top 20


That highlighted these gaps:

Operator Notes
cumulativeSum Accumulates a sum along the given axis. e.g.:
input = [[1,2,3],[4,5,6]], axis = 1, forward, inclusive, output = [[1,3,6],[4,9,15]]
input = [[1,2,3],[4,5,6]], axis = 0, forward, inclusive, output = [[1,2,3],[5,7,9]]
input = [[1,2,3],[4,5,6]], axis = 1, backward, exclusive, output = [[5,3,0],[11,6,0]].
Related: mil.ops.defs.iOS15.tensor_operation.cumsum, tf.math.cumsum, DML_CUMULATIVE_SUMMATION.
Naming: I'm avoiding the abbreviation for clarity's sake and for vulgar slang reasons.
Decomposition: NA
Data Types: input (float16, float32, int32, uint32, int64, uint64)
gatherElements Gathers values from the input using indices along the given axis.
Related: mil.ops.defs.iOS15.scatter_gather.gather_along_axis, tf.experimental.numpy.take_along_axis?, DML_GATHER_ELEMENTS
Decomposition: NA
Data Types: input (*), indices (int32, uint32, int64)
scatterElements Corollary for pair-completeness with gatherElements.
Related: mil.ops.defs.iOS17.scatter_gather.scatter_along_axis, TF=?, DML_SCATTER_ELEMENTS
Decomposition: NA
Data Types: input (*), updates (same as input), indices (int32, uint32, int64)
gatherND Corollary for pair-completeness with scatterND. Gathers values using multidimensional indices.
Related: tf.gather_nd, mil.ops.defs.iOS15.scatter_gather.gather_nd, DML_GATHER_ND
Decomposition: NA
Data Types: input (*), indices (int32, uint32, int64)
scatterND Scatter values using multidimensional indices. This is also useful for improving performance of ferrying partial MLBuffer transputs between iterations (transformer key-value reuse).
Related: tf.scatter_nd, mil.ops.defs.iOS15.scatter_gather.scatter_nd, DML_SCATTER_ND
Decomposition: NA
Data Types: input (*), updates (same as input), indices (int32, uint32, int64)
sign Return elementwise -1/0/1 depending on element sign.
Related: mil.ops.defs.iOS15.elementwise_unary.sign, tf.math.sign, DML_ELEMENT_WISE_SIGN
Decomposition: where(greater(input, 0), 1, where(lesser(input, 0), -1, 0))
Data Types: input (float16, float32, int8, int32, int64)
tile Repeat a tensor the given number of times along each axis.
e.g. input = [[1,2,3],[4,5,6]], repetitions = [3,2], output = [[1,2,3,1,2,3],[4,5,6,4,5,6],[1,2,3,1,2,3],[4,5,6,4,5,6],[1,2,3,1,2,3],[4,5,6,4,5,6]],
Related: tf.tile, mil.ops.defs.iOS15.tensor_operation.tile, DML_TILE
Decomposition: multiple concat calls
Data Types: input (*)
dequantizeLinear Elementwise operator to scale a low precision integer (typically uint8 with a zero-point bias) to floating point, which saves space in models and memory during GPU upload/computation. Like any other elementwise operator and its own decomposition, it supports broadcasting generically - the scale and zero point can be scalars, rows, columns, planes... Though, some backends have optimized variants that can execute faster when passed a scale/zeroPoint that are scalars or row/columns. Callers are expected to resolve any axis-specific quirks to broadcast-compatible dimensions before calling WebNN, and implementations are expected to call their faster version where applicable but use the decomposition when not directly supported. This DQ takes integers (casting from float16 up to float32 can be handled by existing cast).
Related: tf.quantization.dequantize, mil.ops.defs.iOS17.quantization_ops.dequantize, mil.ops.defs.iOS16.constexpr_ops.constexpr_affine_dequantize, DML_ELEMENT_WISE_DEQUANTIZE_LINEAR
Decomposition: (input - zeroPoint) * scale // sub,cast,mul
Data Types: input and zero point (uint4, int8, uint8), scale (float16, float32), output (float16, float32)
Notes: Some backends require MLOperand::isContant to be true (created via constant()) to take advantage of the direct operator rather than the decomposition. Prototype implementations here: Chromium IDL, Chromium DML backend, ORT WebNN EP.
quantizeLinear Elementwise operator to quantize floating point down to a low precision integer (typically uint8 with a zero-point bias). For decomposition purposes, it might be useful to introduce rounding functions too (roundToNearestEvens, roundTowardZero, roundTowardInfinity).
Related: tf.quantization.quantize, mil.ops.defs.iOS17.quantization_ops.quantize, DML_ELEMENT_WISE_QUANTIZE_LINEAR.
Decomposition: clamp(roundToNearestEvens(input / scale) + zeroPoint, 0, 255)
Data Types: input (float16, float32), zero point (uint4, int8, uint8), scale (float16, float32)
logicalAnd Elementwise operator for logical boolean values. Any nonzero input value is treated as true, and outputs will be 0 or 1.
Related: tf.math.logical_and, mil.ops.iOS15.elementwise_binary.logical_and, DML_ELEMENT_WISE_LOGICAL_AND_OPERATOR_DESC.
Data Types: a (uint8), b (uint8), output (uint8)
logicalOr Elementwise operator for logical boolean values. Any nonzero input value is treated as true, and outputs will be 0 or 1.
Related: tf.math.logical_or, mil.ops.iOS15.elementwise_binary.logical_or, DML_ELEMENT_WISE_LOGICAL_OR_OPERATOR_DESC.
Data Types: a (uint8), b (uint8), output (uint8)
logicalXor Elementwise operator for logical boolean values. Any nonzero input value is treated as true, and outputs will be 0 or 1.
Related: tf.math.logical_xor, mil.ops.iOS15.elementwise_binary.logical_xor, DML_ELEMENT_WISE_LOGICAL_XOR_OPERATOR_DESC.
Data Types: a (uint8), b (uint8), output (uint8)
❔localResponseNormalization Divide every input element by its local window of neighbors (averaged, scaled, biased, and raised to a power). See https://github.com/webmachinelearning/webnn/issues/228 for details. Decomposition might also be fine rather than a dedicated operator, since it's only used by only 2 nodes in AlexNet/Googlenet, since there are some awkward platform differences between each (like radius vs windowSize and edge mode averaging), and since LRN has evidently “fallen out of favor” (see comments #1 #2).
Related: tf.nn.local_response_normalization, torch.nn.LocalResponseNorm, mil.ops.defs.iOS15.normalization.local_response_norm, ONNX LRN, DML_OPERATOR_LOCAL_RESPONSE_NORMALIZATION
reducedRegions = averagePoolND(pow(input, 2), axes, windowDimensions, padding)
output = input / pow((reducedRegions * scale + bias), exponent)
Data Types: input (float16, float32)
❌ dropout Just map to existing identity for inference - handled by callers. (e.g. ORT does it here)
Decomposition: identity
Data Types: input (*)
❌ einSum Map to existing WebNN ops - handled by callers (e.g. ORT does it here). WebNN really shouldn't be parsing string equations at runtime anyway, as those complexities can be resolved above.
Related: tf.einsum, mil.ops.defs.iOS15.linear.einsum, ONNX EinSum
Decomposition: mul/reduceSum/matMal/transpose
Data Types: input (same as mul and reduceSum)


partial interface MLGraphBuilder
    MLOperand cumulativeSum(MLOperand input, unsigned long axis, optional MLCumulativeSumOptions options = {});
    MLOperand sign(MLOperand input, optional MLOperatorOptions options = {});
    MLOperand tile(MLOperand input, sequence<unsigned long> repetitions, optional MLOperatorOptions options = {});

    MLOperand gatherElements(MLOperand input, MLOperand indices, optional MLGatherOptions options = {});
    MLOperand scatterElements(MLOperand input, MLOperand indices, MLOperand updates, optional MLScatterOptions options = {});
    MLOperand gatherND(MLOperand input, MLOperand indices, optional MLOperatorOptions options = {});
    MLOperand scatterND(MLOperand input, MLOperand indices, MLOperand updates, optional MLOperatorOptions options = {});

    MLOperand dequantizeLinear(MLOperand input, MLOperand scale, MLOperand zeroPoint, optional MLOperatorOptions options = {});
    MLOperand quantizeLinear(MLOperand input, MLOperand scale, MLOperand zeroPoint, optional MLOperatorOptions options = {});

    MLOperand logicalAnd(MLOperand a, MLOperand b, optional MLOperatorOptions options = {});
    MLOperand logicalOr(MLOperand a, MLOperand b, optional MLOperatorOptions options = {});
    MLOperand logicalXor(MLOperand a, MLOperand b, optional MLOperatorOptions options = {});

    // MLOperand localResponseNormalization(MLOperand input, optional MLLocalResponseNormalizationOptions options = {});
dictionary MLCumulativeSumOptions : MLOperatorOptions
    bool exclusive = false; // Post-sum addition rather than inclusive pre-sum. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prefix_sum
    bool reversed = false; // Reverse the summation direction

// Already exists for `gather`. Reuse for `gatherElements` too.
dictionary MLGatherOptions : MLOperatorOptions
    unsigned long axis = 0;

dictionary MLScatterOptions : MLOperatorOptions
    unsigned long axis = 0;

dictionary MLLocalResponseNormalizationOptions {
    unsigned long windowSize = 1;
    sequence<unsigned long> axes = [1];
    float scale = 1.0;      // Sometimes labeled alpha.
    float bias = 1.0;       // Sometimes labeled k
    float exponent = 0.5;   // Sometimes labeled beta.

Data Types

For quantized large language models, it's desirable to support a sub-8-bit data type because otherwise they are easily too large to fit into WebAssembly's 32-bit address space (for example, Phi-3 above can fit in 2GB's with int4 but exceeds 4GB's with int8). WASM 64-bit can exceed 4GB, but it's not fully mature, and even then, there are download size considerations and perf benefits due to GPU memory bandwidth. This type would not be a generally computable type (it would not work as input to add/mul/conv...) and is primarily for tensors with quantize/dequantize.

enum MLOperandDataType {

For backends that lack uint4 but support uint8, they could either eagerly upcast any uint4 inputs/constants to uint8, or lazily split the tensor by virtually treating the uint4 tensor as uint8 and using a bitwise mask and right shift (using the platform's underlying bit masking/shifting operations, not necessarily exposed to WebNN yet). e.g. Pseudocode:

// Append trailing 1 to concatenate along the trailing axis.
reshapedForConcat = reshape(uint4TensorAsUint8, uint4TensorAsUint8.shape.concat([1]))

// Split the lower and upper nybbles.
concatInputs = [bitwiseAnd(reshapedForConcat, 0x0F), bitwiseRightShift(reshapedForConcat, 4)]

// Interleave them as uint8's by appending an additional axis to concatenate them.
uint8tensor = concat(concatInputs, axis = uint4TensorAsUint8.rank)

// Restore the original shape as the uint4, except it's now uint8.
uint8tensor = reshape(uint8tensor, uint4TensorAsUint8.shape)

The first int4 element is stored in the low nybble (LSB bits 0-3), and second element in the upper (bits 4-7), such that tensor[elementIndex] = tensorByteMemory[elementIndex >> 1] >> ((elementIndex & 1) << 2).

sushraja-msft commented 1 month ago

[heart] Sushanth Rajasankar reacted to your message:

From: Dwayne Robinson @.> Sent: Thursday, August 15, 2024 11:46:37 PM To: webmachinelearning/webnn @.> Cc: Sushanth Rajasankar @.>; Mention @.> Subject: Re: [webmachinelearning/webnn] Support for transformers (Issue #375)

We analyzed another two dozen models, notably adding the top 20 downloaded hugging face models, to see which common operators are missing...

Models Model Category Link Notes MobileNet_V2 Image Classification https://github.com/onnx/models/validated/vision/classification/mobilenet ResNet50 Image Classification https://github.com/onnx/models/validated/vision/classification/resnet EfficientNet-Lite4 Image Classification https://github.com/onnx/models/validated/vision/classification/efficientnet-lite4 SqueezeNet Image Classification https://github.com/onnx/models/validated/vision/classification/squeezenet Whisper Base Speech-to-Text https://huggingface.co/microsoft/whisper-base-webnn Segment Anything Segmentation https://huggingface.co/microsoft/segment-anything-model-webnn Stable Diffusion v1.5 Image Generation https://huggingface.co/microsoft/stable-diffusion-v1.5-webnn Stable Diffusion Turbo Image Generation https://huggingface.co/microsoft/sd-turbo-webnn Phi 3 mini Small Language Model https://huggingface.co/microsoft/Phi-3-mini-4k-instruct-onnx-web Tiny-llama Small Language Model https://huggingface.co/Xenova/TinyLLama-v0 https://huggingface.co/Xenova/TinyLlama-1.1B-Chat-v1.0 LLM support Yolov8 Object detection https://github.com/ultralytics/ultralytics DETR Object detection https://huggingface.co/Xenova/detr-resnet-50, https://huggingface.co/Xenova/detr-resnet-101 Llama3 Large Language Model https://huggingface.co/aless2212/Meta-Llama-3-8B-Instruct-onnx-fp16 nomic-ai/nomic-embed-text-v1.5 Sentence similarity https://huggingface.co/nomic-ai/nomic-embed-text-v1.5 HF Top 20 Supabase/gte-small Feature Extraction https://huggingface.co/Supabase/gte-small HF Top 20 mixedbread-ai/mxbai-embed-large-v1 Feature Extraction https://huggingface.co/mixedbread-ai/mxbai-embed-large-v1 HF Top 20 nomic-ai/nomic-embed-text-v1 Sentence similarity https://huggingface.co/nomic-ai/nomic-embed-text-v1 HF Top 20 WhereIsAI/UAE-Large-V1 Feature Extraction https://huggingface.co/WhereIsAI/UAE-Large-V1 HF Top 20 distil-whisper/distil-medium.en Speech Recognition https://huggingface.co/distil-whisper/distil-medium.en HF Top 20 Alibaba-NLP/gte-base-en-v1.5 Sentence similarity https://huggingface.co/Alibaba-NLP/gte-base-en-v1.5 HF Top 20 jonathandinu/face-parsing Image segmentation https://huggingface.co/jonathandinu/face-parsing HF Top 20 jinaai/jina-clip-v1 Feature extraction https://huggingface.co/jinaai/jina-clip-v1 HF Top 20 mixedbread-ai/mxbai-rerank-base-v1 Text classification https://huggingface.co/mixedbread-ai/mxbai-rerank-base-v1 HF Top 20 Snowflake/snowflake-arctic-embed-m Sentence similarity https://huggingface.co/Snowflake/snowflake-arctic-embed-m HF Top 20 jinaai/jina-embeddings-v2-base-code Feature extraction https://huggingface.co/jinaai/jina-embeddings-v2-base-code HF Top 20 Xenova/llama2.c-stories15M Text generation https://huggingface.co/Xenova/llama2.c-stories15M HF Top 20 corto-ai/nomic-embed-text-v1 Sentence similarity https://huggingface.co/corto-ai/nomic-embed-text-v1 HF Top 20 jinaai/jina-reranker-v1-turbo-en Text classification https://huggingface.co/jinaai/jina-reranker-v1-turbo-en HF Top 20 Xenova/bge-reranker-base Text classification https://huggingface.co/Xenova/bge-reranker-base HF Top 20 Xenova/bge-large-en-v1.5 Feature extraction https://huggingface.co/Xenova/bge-large-en-v1.5 HF Top 20 Xenova/distiluse-base-multilingual-cased-v2 Feature extraction https://huggingface.co/Xenova/distiluse-base-multilingual-cased-v2 HF Top 20 Xenova/paraphrase-multilingual-mpnet-base-v2 Feature extraction https://huggingface.co/Xenova/paraphrase-multilingual-mpnet-base-v2 HF Top 20 CAiRE/UniVaR-lambda-1 Sentence similarity https://huggingface.co/CAiRE/UniVaR-lambda-1 HF Top 20 Operators

That highlighted these gaps:

Operator Notes cumulativeSum Accumulates a sum along the given axis. e.g.: input = [[1,2,3],[4,5,6]], axis = 1, forward, inclusive, output = [[1,3,6],[4,9,15]] input = [[1,2,3],[4,5,6]], axis = 0, forward, inclusive, output = [[1,2,3],[5,7,9]] input = [[1,2,3],[4,5,6]], axis = 1, backward, exclusive, output = [[5,3,0],[11,6,0]]. Related: mil.ops.defs.iOS15.tensor_operation.cumsum, tf.math.cumsum, DML_CUMULATIVE_SUMMATION. Naming: I'm avoiding the abbreviation form clarity's sake and for vulgar slang reasons. Decomposition: NA Data Types: input (float16, float32, int32, uint32, int64, uint64) gatherElements Gathers values from the input using indices along the given axis. Related: mil.ops.defs.iOS15.scatter_gather.gather_along_axis, tf.experimental.numpy.take_along_axis?, DML_GATHER_ELEMENTS Decomposition: NA Data Types: input () scatterElements Corollary for pair-completeness with gatherElements. Related: mil.ops.defs.iOS17.scatter_gather.scatter_along_axis, TF=?, DML_SCATTER_ELEMENTS Decomposition: NA Data Types: input () scatterND Scatter values using multidimensional indices. This is also useful for improving performance of ferrying partial MLBuffer transputshttps://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/transput between iterations (transformer key-value reuse). Related: tf.scatter_nd, mil.ops.defs.iOS15.scatter_gather.scatter_nd, DML_SCATTER_ND Decomposition: NA Data Types: input () gatherND Corollary for pair-completeness with scatterND. Gathers values using multidimensional indices. Related: tf.gather_nd, mil.ops.defs.iOS15.scatter_gather.gather_nd, DML_GATHER_ND Decomposition: NA Data Types: input () sign Return elementwise -1/0/1 depending on element sign. Related: mil.ops.defs.iOS15.elementwise_unary.sign, tf.math.sign, DML_ELEMENT_WISE_SIGN Decomposition: where(greater(input, 0), 1, where(lesser(input, 0), -1, 0)) Data Types: input: float16, float32, int32, int64 tile Repeat a tensor the given number of times along each axes. e.g. input = [[1,2,3],[4,5,6]], repetitions = [3,2], output = [[1,2,3,1,2,3],[4,5,6,4,5,6],[1,2,3,1,2,3],[4,5,6,4,5,6],[1,2,3,1,2,3],[4,5,6,4,5,6]], Related: tf.tile, mil.ops.defs.iOS15.tensor_operation.tile, DML_TILE Decomposition: multiple concat calls Data Types: input () localResponseNormalization Divide every input element by its local window of neighbors (averaged, scaled, biased, and raised to a power). See #228https://github.com/webmachinelearning/webnn/issues/228 for details. Decomposition might also be fine rather than a dedicated operator, since it's only used by only 2 nodes in AlexNet/Googlenet, since there are some awkward platform differences between each (like radius vs windowSize and edge mode averaging), and since LRN has evidently “fallen out of favor” (see comments #1https://stackoverflow.com/a/37382135/937938 #2https://www.reddit.com/r/MachineLearning/comments/52jjmi/lrn_layer_with_googlenet/). Related: tf.nn.local_response_normalization, torch.nn.LocalResponseNorm, mil.ops.defs.iOS15.normalization.local_response_norm, ONNX LRN, DML_OPERATOR_LOCAL_RESPONSE_NORMALIZATION Decomposition: reducedRegions = averagePoolND(pow(input, 2), axes, windowDimensions, padding) input / pow((reducedRegions scale + bias), exponent) Data Types: input (float16, float32) dequantizeLinear Elementwise operator to scale a low precision integer (typically uint8 with a zero-point bias) to floating point, which saves space in models and memory during GPU upload/computation. Like any other elementwise operator and its own decomposition, it supports broadcasting generically - the scale and zero point can be scalars, rows, columns, planes... Though, some backends have optimized variants that can execute faster when passed a scale/zeroPoint that are scalars or row/columns. Callers are expected to resolve any axis-specific quirks to broadcast-compatible dimensions before calling WebNN, and implementations are expected to call their faster version where applicable but use the decomposition when not directly supported. Casting from float16 up to float32 is handled by existing cast (not dequantize's job). Related: tf.quantization.dequantize, mil.ops.defs.iOS17.quantization_ops.dequantize, mil.ops.defs.iOS16.constexpr_ops.constexpr_affine_dequantize, DML_ELEMENT_WISE_DEQUANTIZE_LINEAR Decomposition: cast(mul(sub(input, zeroPoint), float32), scale) Data Types: input and zp (uint4, int8, uint8), scale (float32) quantizeLinear Elementwise operator to quantize floating point down to a low precision integer (typically uint8 with a zero-point bias). For decomposition purposes, it might be useful to introduce rounding functions too (roundToNearestEvens, roundTowardZero, roundTowardInfinity). Related: tf.quantization.quantize, mil.ops.defs.iOS17.quantization_ops.quantize, DML_ELEMENT_WISE_QUANTIZE_LINEAR. Decomposition: clamp(roundToNearestEvens(input / scale) + zeroPoint, 0, 255) Data Types: input and zp (uint4, int8, uint8), scale (float32) ❌ dropout Just map to existing identity for inference - handled by callers. Decomposition: identity Data Types: input (*) ❌ einSum Map to existing WebNN ops - handled by callers (e.g. ORT does it herehttps://github.com/microsoft/onnxruntime/pull/19558). WebNN really shouldn't be parsing string equations at runtime anyway, as those complexities can be resolved above. Related: tf.einsum, mil.ops.defs.iOS15.linear.einsum, ONNX EinSum Decomposition: mul/reduceSum/matMal/transpose Data Types: input (same as mul and reduceSum) IDL

partial interface MLGraphBuilder { ... MLOperand cumulativeSum(MLOperand input, unsigned long axis, optional MLCumulativeSumOptions options = {}); MLOperand sign(MLOperand input, optional MLOperatorOptions options = {}); MLOperand tile(MLOperand input, sequence repetitions, optional MLOperatorOptions options = {});

MLOperand gatherElements(MLOperand input, MLOperand indices, optional MLGatherOptions options = {});
MLOperand scatterElements(MLOperand input, MLOperand indices, MLOperand updates, optional MLScatterOptions options = {});
MLOperand gatherND(MLOperand input, MLOperand indices, optional MLGatherNDOptions options = {});
MLOperand scatterND(MLOperand input, MLOperand indices, MLOperand updates, optional MLScatterNDOptions options = {});

MLOperand dequantizeLinear(MLOperand input, MLOperand scale, MLOperand zeroPoint, optional MLOperatorOptions options = {});
MLOperand quantizeLinear(MLOperand input, MLOperand scale, MLOperand zeroPoint, optional MLOperatorOptions options = {});

MLOperand localResponseNormalization(MLOperand input, optional MLLocalResponseNormalizationOptions options = {});


dictionary MLCumulativeSumOptions : MLOperatorOptions { bool exclusive = false; // Post-sum addition rather than inclusive pre-sum. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prefix_sum bool reversed = false; // Reverse the summation direction }

// Already exists for gather. Reuse for gatherElements too. dictionary MLGatherOptions : MLOperatorOptions { unsigned long axis = 0; };

dictionary MLScatterOptions : MLOperatorOptions { unsigned long axis = 0; };

dictionary MLGatherNDOptions : MLOperatorOptions { unsigned long batchDimensionCount = 0; }

dictionary MLScatterNDOptions : MLOperatorOptions { unsigned long batchDimensionCount = 0; }

dictionary MLLocalResponseNormalizationOptions { unsigned long windowSize = 1; sequence axes = [1]; float scale = 1.0; // Sometimes labeled alpha. float bias = 1.0; // Sometimes labeled k float exponent = 0.5; // Sometimes labeled beta. };

Data Types

For quantized large language models, it's desirable to support a sub-8-bit data type because otherwise they are easily too large to fit into WebAssembly's 32-bit address space (for example, Phi-3 above can fit in 2GB's with int4 but exceeds 4GB's with int8). This type would not be a generally computable type (it would not work as input to add/mul/conv...) and is primarily for tensors with quantize/dequantize.

enum MLOperandDataType { ... "uint4", ... };

For backends that lack uint4 but support uint8, they could either eagerly upcast any uint4 inputs/constants to uint8, or lazily split the tensor by virtually treating the uint4 tensor as uint8 and using a bitwise mask and right shift. e.g. Pseudocode:

// Append trailing 1 to concatenate along the trailing axis. reshapedForConcat = reshape(uint4TensorAsUint8, uint4TensorAsUint8.shape.concat([1]))

// Split the lower and upper nybbles. concatInputs = [bitwiseAnd(reshapedForConcat, 0x0F), bitwiseRightShift(reshapedForConcat, 4)]

// Interleave them as uint8's by appending an additional axis to concatenate them. uint8tensor = concat(concatInputs, axis = uint4TensorAsUint8.rank)

// Restore the original shape as the uint4, except it's now uint8. uint8tensor = reshape(uint8tensor, uint4TensorAsUint8.shape)

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anssiko commented 1 month ago

@fdwr et al. thank you for this analysis: https://github.com/webmachinelearning/webnn/issues/375#issuecomment-2292466613,

This is very timely and appropriate data-driven contribution 👍

Added to the TPAC F2F topics for further discussion and review: https://github.com/webmachinelearning/meetings/issues/25

huningxin commented 1 month ago


It would be helpful to add data type restriction for indices tensor of gatherElements, scatterElements, gatherND and scatterND into the tabel. The Chromium prototyping of gatherElements (CL-5807468) assumes the same data type limits as indices tensor of gather, that is "int32", "uint32" or "int64".


huningxin commented 1 month ago



> Data Types: input and zero point (uint4, int8, uint8), scale (float32) The input data types seem to be a typo. IIUC, input may support float32 (same as scale).


Data Types: input (float32), zero point (uint4, int8, uint8), scale (float32)

Should float16 be supported as well?

huningxin commented 1 month ago


sign > Decomposition: where(greater(input, 0), 1, where(lesser(input, 0), -1, 0)) > Data Types: input: float16, float32, int32, int64

Should int8 be supported?


huningxin commented 1 month ago


dictionary MLGatherNDOptions : MLOperatorOptions
    unsigned long batchDimensionCount = 0;

When prototyping scatterND in Chromium, the MLGatherNDOptions.batchDimensionCount option seems not be widely supported, for example it is not available in major WebNN targeting platforms:

shiyi9801 commented 1 month ago


dictionary MLGatherNDOptions : MLOperatorOptions
    unsigned long batchDimensionCount = 0;

When prototyping scatterND in Chromium, the MLGatherNDOptions.batchDimensionCount option seems not be widely supported, for example it is not available in major WebNN targeting platforms:

batchDImensionCount is supported by DirectML and CoreML gatherND.

✔DirectML: DML_GATHER_ND1_OPERATOR_DESC ✔CoreML: mil.ops.defs.iOS17.scatter_gather.gather_nd ❌TFLite: tfl.gather_nd

Should gatherND be consistent with scatterND and drop batchDimensionCount?