webmachinelearning / webnn

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ArgMax/Min `selectLastIndex` is not supported on CoreML #652

Open philloooo opened 2 months ago

philloooo commented 2 months ago

For argmax/min on CoreML: In case of ties, the identity of the return value is not guaranteed.

Current spec seems to indicate if selectLastIndex is not passed, the first index will be chosen. This can't be satisfied by the CoreML backend.

How much does models actually depend on this? Do we have examples where selectLastIndex is useful?

If not, I'd suggest removing this parameter.

fdwr commented 2 months ago

For element value ties, PyTorch chooses the last index whereas Tensorflow chooses the first index, and because WebNN can be called by any front end, WebNN being able to accommodate either is valuable. It sounds like for CoreML, it either chooses:

Can you experiment to see which happens? e.g. Given input [0, 1, -5, 3, -5, 4] and axis = 0, does the reduceMin operation pick -5 from index 2 or 4?

With that info (assuming it is deterministic (b)), it should be possible to (not as efficiently, but possible) to use a transpose along the active dimension followed by an inversion of the indices. So CoreML selected index index 2 with selectLastIndex = false, then when selectLastIndex = true, it's the same as passing the transpose [4, -5, 3, -5, 1, 0] to get index 1 followed by a sub(5, indices) to adjust the index to 4.

How much does models actually depend on this?

🤔 That I'm unsure about, but it could make the difference in a list of equal probabilities between presenting one label to the user vs another. Granted, floating point math is imprecise anyway, and you can't expect the exact same labels in the same version of the same library even between different computers, but it would make a bigger difference on integer inputs.

philloooo commented 2 months ago

During my local testing, argmax always returns the smaller index. Although I don't think we should rely on that behavior since the documentation clearly states it's not guaranteed. @mwyrzykowski do you know if argmax is guaranteed to return smaller index?

mwyrzykowski commented 2 months ago

@philloooo It is not guaranteed and may change

fdwr commented 2 months ago

@philloooo It is not guaranteed and may change

Shoot, so sounds like CoreML's tie breaker behavior is undocumented and nondeterministic. So some options include:

Any others come to mind?