webmin / usermin

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Wrong encoding in browser interface #68

Closed HonkXL closed 3 weeks ago

HonkXL commented 3 years ago

Browser interface uses wrong encoding for special characters like German Umlauts. The problem is visible in the folder of the mails (like Entwürfe) and in the subjects of mails.

See screenshot.

It's independent of the used webbrowser. Usermin is 1.812, Authentic theme 19.62


iliajie commented 3 years ago


At the moment the latest Usermin version is 1.820 and it addresses the issues you're reporting. Give it a try.

HonkXL commented 3 years ago

Upgrading would be a good idea, but I use it on a VirtualMin installation and here the 1.812 is the latest version in the repo: http://software.virtualmin.com/vm/6/gpl/universal/

Or is it better to adress this at VirtualMin?

iliajie commented 3 years ago

You're right. We'll update it, thanks!

Meanwhile, you can easily install it by downloading it from Usermin page.

HonkXL commented 3 years ago

I posted this to the Virtualmin forum. The repo was not updated due to a bug in Webmin that seems to make it incompatible with Virtualmin!?

Here the forum post:


HonkXL commented 3 years ago

I updated Webmin to 1.823 - now it's partially fixed. The folder names on the left side are ok. In the subject, sometimes it's ok and for other mails not. See screenshot. I marked it in red (not ok) and green (ok).


HonkXL commented 3 years ago

The difference is:

It's not working when the subject is coded in ISO-8859: Subject: =?ISO-8859-1?Q?Gute_Unterhaltung_f=FCr_zu_Hause?=

But it's working when UTF8: Subject: OFB =?utf-8?Q?H=C3=B6gy=C3=A9sz=3A?= Anstehende Ereignisse

Both lines are from the mails shown above.

iliajie commented 3 years ago

If you try opening the same email using Webmin ⇾ Servers ⇾ Read User Mail module how is it getting displayed?

HonkXL commented 3 years ago

Here it is ok:


iliajie commented 3 years ago

Looks correct. Could you download email me those three emails? (my email can be found in comments)

HonkXL commented 3 weeks ago

Since the last update I can no longer reproduce this - I think it's fixed.