webmin / usermin

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feature request for caldav/carddav #83

Open gstlouisgit opened 1 year ago

gstlouisgit commented 1 year ago

I wrote this as a feature request a long time ago. I still think this would complete and make usermin competitive. I have implemented caldav in web before (mostly converting xml to json to populate popular calendars ex. https://fullcalendar.io/ ) and would not mind contributing anything I can to it.


more specifically, I have used baikal. If this is setup on the virtualmin server it can be access via cname record ex. baikal.domain.ca/admin/

You can call the calendars or address books like so with curl ex, since your app is created in perl and I know nothing of perl :) curl -u username https://baikal.domain.ca/dav.php/addressbooks/username/default/ curl -u username https://baikal.domain.ca/dav.php/calendars/username/default/ xml output is generated and you can populate a calendar or have this called and populate To, CC and BCC fields when typing

anyways, just a thought I think could make usermin awesome