webodf / ViewerJS

ViewerJS: Document Reader in JavaScript
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how to implement viewerjs #273

Open venkatadri19 opened 4 years ago

venkatadri19 commented 4 years ago

i have downloaded viewer js directory from the website. cant able find where to give the path to pdf file. Please Help me?

venkatadri19 commented 4 years ago

@vielmetti @adityab @vandenoever @thz

i have downloaded viewer js directory from the website. cant able find where to give the path to pdf file. Please Help me?

vishnu-dev commented 4 years ago

<a href="/ViewerJS/#http://domain.com/some_file.pdf">

vielmetti commented 4 years ago

Apologies, I cannot help here @vishnu-dev as I am not currently using ViewerJS.

vishnu-dev commented 4 years ago

@vielmetti I think you have confused me with someone else.

vielmetti commented 4 years ago

Apologies, that was meant for @venkatadri19 - autocarrot!

Jermaine0Forbes commented 4 years ago

I'm having trouble as well, the instruction are vague. So when I tried to follow them, I still was not able to use viewer.js. I'm now having 404 errors about it not being able to find "compatibility.js".