webosose / build-webos

webOS OSE build layer
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Prebuilt raspberry pi 3 image #1

Closed cookiengineer closed 6 years ago

cookiengineer commented 6 years ago

Hey guys,

first off: As a former webos dev during the palm pre and palm pre 2 days, I have to pay my respects. The new architecture looks amazing, and is really well thought-through. Enact, wayland, mojo, pretty much everything looks very good and is very well engineered.

Anyways, I wanted to ask whether there's a prebuilt image for Raspberries so that people can get started easier when they don't have 100GB available?

It also might make sense to have some prebuilt libraries available in different architectures, using a lazy-cache mechanism similar to ninja or others - so that e.g. chromium does not have to be built from scratch (assuming it takes a lot of space, memory and compile time; currently still digging through the tutorial).

chbae commented 6 years ago

@cookiengineer Thanks for your suggestion.

Actually yocto provides shared state change (https://www.yoctoproject.org/docs/current/ref-manual/ref-manual.html#shared-state-cache) for fast build. Unfortunately we don't provide the shared state cache yet. I will discuss your suggestion internally and reply soon.

Vipeax commented 6 years ago

@cookiengineer, if it helps you in any way for the time being: webos-image-raspberrypi3.rootfs.rpi-sdimg. It certainly toke a while for my laptop (fast Quad core with HT, fresh Ubuntu VM with 24GBs of RAM assigned and the disks split over 2 NVM-e disks) to build the entire project. I didn't check the time, but I would estimate the total build time to be around 3.5 hours.

(Pssst: "homeserver" so depending on your location the speed may or may not be great)

chbae commented 6 years ago

@Vipeax Thanks for providing built image. @cookiengineer We don't have plan to provide prebuilt libraries and you can build webOS OSE using your desktop and share your shared state in your local. Then your second build uses the your shared state cache.

chbae commented 6 years ago

@pushpendrak Could you create new issue about Qt development guide?

CorentinDy commented 6 years ago

Hey, thank's for the prebuilt image !

Did it run perfectly on your raspberry ? I've write it on my sd card and boot it up but i've only a nice wallpaper , my mouse and nothing else, any idea ?

futurejones commented 6 years ago

Press F1 key on the keyboard, and you will see the Home Launcher UI popping up from the right side of the screen. Note: Mac keyboards and mice don't seem to work. Also there is a great forum at http://forum.webosose.org

CorentinDy commented 6 years ago

Thank's so much , i'll try as soon as i can. I Feel dumb now ^^ And thx for the forum, didn't knew it existed

pushpendrak commented 6 years ago

I tried with F1, menu popup, but clicking on items results nothing.🙄 We need better built image, which is possibly can be done by LG.

futurejones commented 6 years ago

I have downloaded and tested that image on my Raspberry pi, everything seems to work as expected. All menu items work. Make sure you have a network connection and maybe try a different mouse.

ranjana-panwar commented 6 years ago

@Vipeax : I have downloaded the image, and tested it to Raspberry pi, its working but in the menu bar, only webos and you tube is available other menu items are missing.

CorentinDy commented 6 years ago

@ranjana-panwar As the webos is at an early stage, it might be missing some features which need to be more stable before a public release.

Vipeax commented 6 years ago

@ranjana-panwar what are you missing? This is how the repo was upon release. The browser was never actually included in the release if that is what you are missing.

@pushpendrak sounds like a compatability issue to me.

ranjana-panwar commented 6 years ago

@Vipeax : actually the settings option is missing for me.

Vipeax commented 6 years ago

I'm afraid that I'll have to throw in a 'works on my machines' here.

ranjana-panwar commented 6 years ago

@Vipeax : have a look on my screen img20180329102240 1 img20180329102258 img20180329104112

symbios24 commented 6 years ago

Vipeax can you re upload the image link is not working


PrateekSB commented 6 years ago

Image is unavailable now

FabioLolix commented 5 years ago

@symbios24 @PrateekSB

Found this link from the forum http://build.webos-ports.org/webosose/raspberrypi3/

mshaz commented 5 years ago

how do u connect it to wifi? Cant find anything on screen.