I tried to build webOS, and i got gpg key issues on executing scripts/prerequisties.sh
following is error image
It was ok to pass run prerequisties.sh until 23/03/23,,,
Following is what i tried to solve this error
curl -sS https://download.spotify.com/pubkey_BE5F80F804B81517.gpg | gpg --dearmor | sudo tee /usr/share/keyrings/spotify.gpg
I guess the public key is deprecated or third party server(requested when prerequisties.sh runs) deleted the public key..
Please check this issue, thank you for reading
I tried to build webOS, and i got gpg key issues on executing scripts/prerequisties.sh following is error image It was ok to pass run prerequisties.sh until 23/03/23,,, Following is what i tried to solve this error
I guess the public key is deprecated or third party server(requested when prerequisties.sh runs) deleted the public key.. Please check this issue, thank you for reading