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When using com.webos.service.db/putKind, {"errorCode":-3963, "errorText":"db": permission denied","returnValue":false} #17

Open dudgns128 opened 2 weeks ago

dudgns128 commented 2 weeks ago

There was no description of service's bus address in the webOS OSE, so I referred to the webos TV developer. "luna://com.palm.wifi/status" and "com.example.helloworld" are two examples of service's bus address. From this point of view, it is estimated that the address of the service provided by webOS or app ID means service's bus addres. https://webostv.developer.lge.com/develop/references/webos-service-reference#servicebusid

There is a description of the service in [Docs] -> [Reference] -> [com.webos.service.db]. Here, a value that can be an owner among Parameters in the putKind method is written as app ID or service's bus address.

As you know, the service name starts with the app ID. If the app ID is 'com.domain.app', the service name should be 'com.domain.app.service'. So, not only app ID, but also JS service that I named the service can make API calls. This is where the problem comes from. The screenshot is an example of an error that the 'ls-monitor' tool has identified.


As far as I understand, service's bus address does not include service name. Therefore, it is argued that it should be able to be the service name among the owner of kind. Since the development is carried out by dividing Application Dir and JS service Dir, I think there will be more cases of calling the API through JS Service than directly calling the API from the APP. In relation to this, quite a few people are not finding the cause of the error even in [Community]. In conclusion, the service name should also be added to the value that can be the owner of kind.

However, if the service name is included in the service's bus address, my opinion does not have to be reflected.

In addition, {Error Code: -3963, Error Text: db: permission denied, Error Description: } should be added to the Error Codes Reference of the putKind method. As seen in the screenshot, it returns an error code of -3963 as an error for using putKind. The corresponding content is also not described, so a correction is required.



Heeam-Shin commented 2 weeks ago


Thanks for your reporting.

I'll review this issue and update the documentation in the next release. I'll share progress through this issue ticket.