This could please be updated to say what DOES work with Yarn PnP (and specifically mention the keyword "Yarn Berry").
I'm several days into researching how to run sass with Yarn Berry, I don't understand the difference between sass and sass-loader, and this could be better explained in the documentation.
Documentation Is:
Please Explain in Detail...
At mention is made to Node SASS
But it links to which says that project is archived, and that recommends to use Dart SASS.
Your Proposal for Changes
Please remove mentions to Node SASS. Or update mentions to show that project is dead and does not get security updates.
There is a note in about
This could please be updated to say what DOES work with Yarn PnP (and specifically mention the keyword "Yarn Berry").
I'm several days into researching how to run sass with Yarn Berry, I don't understand the difference between sass and sass-loader, and this could be better explained in the documentation.