Closed johnkaplantech closed 7 years ago
Sorry. There are tests for nested imports and I use them every day, so I doubt that this is related to the sass-loader.
Please create a minimal example and instructions on how to reproduce the error. I'll reopen this, if it's a confirmed problem with the sass-loader.
Since this is an error in the C stack, I assume that you're using a custom importer which throws an error.
If I import sass files nested more than one deep and try to build with the webpack sass-loader, node crashes. This occurs even if the second imported file is blank. node(7650,0x106907000) malloc: error for object 0x101b11a6c: pointer being freed was not allocated set a breakpoint in malloc_error_break to debug Abort trap: 6
source: proj/app/sass/_any.scss
proj/app/sass/_theme-default.scss - note here if you comment out the @import 'any' line, the crash goes away. You can also crash it by commenting out the import, but then referencing a variable that doesn't exist - i.e. change 'background: white;' to 'background: $bad;'
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