webraptor / react-native-deck-swiper

tinder like react-native deck swiper
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It is not rendering the second card #32

Closed harrymash2006 closed 3 years ago

harrymash2006 commented 3 years ago

Please help. After updating from 1.6.7 it is not showing second card.

I am using this code

<Swiper ref={swiper => { this.swiper = swiper; }} cardStyle={this.getCardStyle} inputRotationRange={[0, 0, 0]} outputRotationRange={["0deg", "0deg", "0deg"]} infinite={true} onSwipedLeft={this._onSwipedRight} onSwipedRight={this._onSwipedLeft} cards={this.state.feeds} renderCard={this._renderCard} onSwipedTop={this._onSwiped} onSwipedBottom={this._onSwipedBottom} horizontalSwipe={this.state.horizontalSwipe} verticalSwipe={(this.state.feeds.length >= 1 || this.state.verticalSwipe )?true:false}
goBackToPreviousCardOnSwipeBottom={true} onSwipedAll={this._onSwipedAll} cardIndex={this.state.currentIndex} backgroundColor={'#fff'} keyExtractor={item => item.n_id} cardVerticalMargin={0} marginBottom={0} horizontalThreshold={width/2} cardHorizontalMargin={0} onTapCard={this._ontapcard} />

and in _onSwiped function I am changing the value of currentIndex (cardIndex). Please help. After I swipe it is just showing blank screen.

webraptor commented 3 years ago

Please post a snack or something similar so that it is easy to reproduce your issue.

harrymash2006 commented 3 years ago

Sorry, I think it was because of these values. It is working now after removing the below values inputRotationRange={[0, 0, 0]} outputRotationRange={["0deg", "0deg", "0deg"]}