webrecorder / browsertrix

Browsertrix is the hosted, high-fidelity, browser-based crawling service from Webrecorder designed to make web archiving easier and more accessible for all!
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Redo Crawl Workflows List #1350

Open emma-sg opened 6 months ago

emma-sg commented 6 months ago

Crawl workflow list needs an update!

It doesn't use shared table components (I don't think?), and the layout is messed up on smaller viewports. Also rolling up fixing other issues with the current implementation into this issue.

Original issue below.

Browsertrix Cloud Version


What did you expect to happen? What happened instead?

The icon button used to open the overflow menu in the Crawls list is significantly smaller than the space designated for it by the vertical divider to its left, leading to some confusion when I clicked where I thought would open the menu and instead opened the full page for the crawl.

Screenshot 2023-11-07 at 3 03 36 PM


Step-by-step reproduction instructions

  1. Navigate to the Crawls view

Additional details

No response

SuaYoo commented 1 month ago

@emma-sg to investigate whether this is still an issue

emma-sg commented 1 month ago

Yes, still an issue! Rolling up into a larger crawl workflow list rework.

emma-sg commented 1 month ago

@Shrinks99 would love some thoughts from you on what this should look like, especially if it's gonna be styled a little different from other table views. I'll talk to you when I get started on this!