webrecorder / specs

Specifications developed and maintained by the Webrecorder community.
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Consider unzipped WACZ usage #96

Open ikreymer opened 2 years ago

ikreymer commented 2 years ago

Cover the 'WACZ unzipped' usage, eg. just using the directory layout separately from being stored in a ZIP. Some potential use cases include: putting WACZ-structured data on IPFS, integrating with existing system that already store data in some sort of directory structure.

ikreymer commented 2 years ago

Should add something to the spec to mention this use case, as its come up a couple of times..

edsu commented 2 years ago

I think we should add some preliminary text about it to the spec yes--so that people reading know we are thinking about it. But before we do that maybe it would be useful to write up a Use Case documenting what we've heard so far?