webrtc-sdk / Specs

WebRTC SDK for iOS/mac (Cocopods Specs)
MIT License
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RTCAudioDevice missing delegate and RTCPeerConnectionFactory misses initialisation with audioDevice #5

Open PITV420 opened 1 year ago

PITV420 commented 1 year ago


So I try to create custom peer connection using WebRTC which eventually will be integrated with LiveKit and porting custom AVAudioSession with custom AVAudioEngine or AVAudioUnit is not compatible with current release of RTCAudioDevice. The case is that the framework in swift would be externally imported into LiveKit project and even with overriding RTCAudioDevice.h and RTCPeerConnectionFactory.h with AudioDeviceDelegate and PeerConnectionFactory init with audioDevice is not compatible with imported git package to LiveKit project. I'd be grateful for new release with extended Objective-C header files to match with following sources:

RTCAudioDevice.h: https://webrtc.googlesource.com/src/+/refs/heads/main/sdk/objc/components/audio/RTCAudioDevice.h RTCPeerConnectionFactory.h: https://webrtc.googlesource.com/src/+/refs/heads/main/sdk/objc/api/peerconnection/RTCPeerConnectionFactory.h

Best, Piotr