webrtc-sdk / android

WebRTC pre-compiled library for android.
MIT License
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How to turn on the simulcast? #15

Open AkaneAzumi opened 1 year ago

AkaneAzumi commented 1 year ago

Hi, I used your SDK in my code and everything is fine with the push stream. But when I added the simulcast related configuration to the code, there was only one stream when played. Here's my code. Is my configuration incorrect? ` val encodings= mutableListOf() encodings.add(RtpParameters.Encoding("h", true, 1.0)) encodings.add(RtpParameters.Encoding("m", true, 2.0)) encodings.add(RtpParameters.Encoding("l", true, 4.0))

        val init = RtpTransceiver.RtpTransceiverInit(
            RtpTransceiver.RtpTransceiverDirection.SEND_RECV, Collections.emptyList(), encodings

        peerConnection!!.addTransceiver(MediaStreamTrack.MediaType.MEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO, init)`

`val decoderFactory: VideoDecoderFactory = DefaultVideoDecoderFactory(eglBase!!.eglBaseContext) val encoderFactory: VideoEncoderFactory = DefaultVideoEncoderFactory( eglBase!!.eglBaseContext, true, true )

    val simulcastVideo = SimulcastVideoEncoderFactory(encoderFactory,encoderFactory)
