webrtc-sdk / libwebrtc

A C++ wrapper for binary release, mainly used for flutter-webrtc desktop (windows, linux, embedded).
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[Windows] Crash while using Intel-Media SDK to decode video stream. #32

Closed Meonardo closed 2 years ago

Meonardo commented 2 years ago

Thanks for your great work!

I am using libwebrtc.dll into a WPF C# project, works great when rendering my internal camera from my PC, but when I try to render my remote video I got "Access Violation" exception in file rtc_video_frame_impl.cc.

Notice: everything back to normal(no crash) after I comment out USE_INTEL_MEDIA_SDK in file rtc_peerconnection_factory_impl.cc.

Here is what I found, while using Intel-Media SDK to decode video steam, it produces owt::base::NativeHandleBuffer(which is webrtc::VideoFrameBuffer::Type::kNative) rather than webrtc::VideoFrameBuffer::Type::kI420, so if call buffer_->GetI420() it will return nullptr which led to crash.

nikohpng commented 2 years ago

I have same issue.

Meonardo commented 2 years ago

Hi @nikohpng Can you test this code block below for your case? I can get the yuv data buffer successfully but still have rendering issue...

I found the MSDK produces NV12(see intel media-sdk manual) pixel format, the mfxFrameData stores the yuv data (see the mfxFrameData definition), change these code to code below see if you can retrieve yuv data.

mfxFrameData frame_data = pOutputSurface->Data;
mfxMemId dxMemId = frame_data.MemId;
mfxFrameInfo frame_info = pOutputSurface->Info;

m_pmfx_allocator_->LockFrame(dxMemId, &frame_data);

// always nv12
int w = frame_info.Width;
int h = frame_info.Height;
int stride_uv = (w + 1) / 2;
uint8_t* data_y = frame_data.Y;
uint8_t* data_u = frame_data.U;
uint8_t* data_v = frame_data.V;

rtc::scoped_refptr<NV12Buffer> nv12_buffer = webrtc::NV12Buffer::Create(w, h);
if (nv12_buffer.get()) {
  libyuv::I420ToNV12(data_y, w, data_u, stride_uv, data_v, stride_uv,
                     nv12_buffer->StrideUV(), w, h);

  rtc::scoped_refptr<VideoFrameBuffer> buffer = std::move(nv12_buffer);

  if (callback_) {
    webrtc::VideoFrame decoded_frame(buffer, inputImage.Timestamp(), 0,

m_pmfx_allocator_->UnlockFrame(dxMemId, &frame_data);
Meonardo commented 2 years ago

After calling m_pmfx_allocator_->LockFrame(dxMemId, &frame_data);, the yuv data can be retrieved, but the code above for converting i420ToNV12 is WRONG, please see the correct way for coverting nv12 -> i420.