webrtc / KITE

KITE is a test engine designed to test WebRTC interoperability across browsers
Apache License 2.0
464 stars 125 forks source link

Installation fail #181

Open moroine opened 3 years ago

moroine commented 3 years ago

I tried to install KITE, and I encountered the following error while running kite_c:

[INFO] Scanning for projects...
[WARNING] Some problems were encountered while building the effective model for org.webrtc.kite:kite-framework:jar:1.0.15
[WARNING] 'version' contains an expression but should be a constant. @ org.webrtc.kite:kite-framework:${kite.framework.version}, /Users/moroine/Workspace/SideBySide/KITE/KITE-Framework/pom.xml, line 14, column 12
[WARNING] Some problems were encountered while building the effective model for org.webrtc.kite:kite-engine:jar:2.0.8
[WARNING] 'version' contains an expression but should be a constant. @ org.webrtc.kite:kite-engine:${kite.version}, /Users/moroine/Workspace/SideBySide/KITE/KITE-Engine/pom.xml, line 14, column 12
[WARNING] Some problems were encountered while building the effective model for org.webrtc.kite:apprtc-test:jar:2.0.1
[WARNING] 'version' contains an expression but should be a constant. @ org.webrtc.kite:apprtc-test:${kite.apprtc.version}, /Users/moroine/Workspace/SideBySide/KITE/KITE-AppRTC-Test/pom.xml, line 16, column 12
[WARNING] It is highly recommended to fix these problems because they threaten the stability of your build.
[WARNING] For this reason, future Maven versions might no longer support building such malformed projects.
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Reactor Build Order:
[INFO] kite-base                                                          [pom]
[INFO] kite-framework                                                     [jar]
[INFO] apprtc-test                                                        [jar]
[INFO] kite-engine                                                        [jar]
[INFO] example-test                                                       [jar]
[INFO] wpt-test                                                           [jar]
[INFO] ---------------------< org.webrtc.kite:kite-base >----------------------
[INFO] Building kite-base 2.0.8                                           [1/6]
[INFO] --------------------------------[ pom ]---------------------------------
[INFO] --- maven-clean-plugin:2.5:clean (default-clean) @ kite-base ---
[INFO] --- maven-install-plugin:2.4:install (default-install) @ kite-base ---
[INFO] Installing /Users/moroine/Workspace/SideBySide/KITE/pom.xml to /Users/moroine/.m2/repository/org/webrtc/kite/kite-base/2.0.8/kite-base-2.0.8.pom
[INFO] -------------------< org.webrtc.kite:kite-framework >-------------------
[INFO] Building kite-framework 1.0.15                                     [2/6]
[INFO] --------------------------------[ jar ]---------------------------------
[WARNING] The POM for com.sun.xml.bind:jaxb-core:jar:2.2.11 is invalid, transitive dependencies (if any) will not be available, enable debug logging for more details
[WARNING] The POM for com.sun.xml.bind:jaxb-impl:jar:2.2.11 is invalid, transitive dependencies (if any) will not be available, enable debug logging for more details
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Reactor Summary:
[INFO] kite-base 2.0.8 .................................... SUCCESS [  0.510 s]
[INFO] kite-framework 1.0.15 .............................. FAILURE [  1.231 s]
[INFO] apprtc-test 2.0.1 .................................. SKIPPED
[INFO] kite-engine 2.0.8 .................................. SKIPPED
[INFO] example-test 0.0.1 ................................. SKIPPED
[INFO] wpt-test 0.2.2 ..................................... SKIPPED
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time:  1.921 s
[INFO] Finished at: 2021-04-09T11:49:08+02:00
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal on project kite-framework: Could not resolve dependencies for project org.webrtc.kite:kite-framework:jar:1.0.15: Failed to collect dependencies at com.github.CoSMoSoftware:kite-extras:jar:0.1.79 -> com.pojosontheweb:monte-repack:jar:1.0.1 -> javax.media.jai:com.springsource.javax.media.jai.core:jar:1.1.3: Failed to read artifact descriptor for javax.media.jai:com.springsource.javax.media.jai.core:jar:1.1.3: Could not transfer artifact javax.media.jai:com.springsource.javax.media.jai.core:pom:1.1.3 from/to maven-default-http-blocker ( Blocked mirror for repositories: [com.springsource.repository.bundles.external (http://repository.springsource.com/maven/bundles/external, default, releases+snapshots)] -> [Help 1]
[ERROR] To see the full stack trace of the errors, re-run Maven with the -e switch.
[ERROR] Re-run Maven using the -X switch to enable full debug logging.
[ERROR] For more information about the errors and possible solutions, please read the following articles:
[ERROR] [Help 1] http://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/MAVEN/DependencyResolutionException
[ERROR] After correcting the problems, you can resume the build with the command
[ERROR]   mvn <args> -rf :kite-framework

I fixed it by creating the file ~/.m2/settings.xml:

      <name>Maven Repository Manager running on repo.mycompany.com</name>
sarthak625 commented 3 years ago

You are a lifesaver dude

A-nguyenv commented 3 years ago

Hello, thank you very much for the feedback, your fix will be added to the doc in the next update.