webrtc / KITE

KITE is a test engine designed to test WebRTC interoperability across browsers
Apache License 2.0
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How to run KITE test in Docker Swarm ? #87

Closed KiteTesting closed 4 years ago

KiteTesting commented 4 years ago

I have installed KITE locally, and I can run KITE tests from hub to nodes (different machines, same network) by this configuration: Config file of the project: { "name": "MessengerLogin %ts", "grids": [ {

  "type": "local",

   "url": ""

], "clients": [ { "browserName": "chrome", "PLATFORM" : "LINUX"


Hub configuration: @echo off setlocal title Hub java -jar ../selenium.jar -role hub --debug -host ipAddress endlocal pause

Node configuration: java -Dwebdriver.chrome.driver=./chromedriver.exe -jar ../selenium.jar -role node -maxSession 10 -port xyz -host ipAddress -hub http://ipAddress:port/grid/register -browser browserName=chrome,maxInstances=10 --debug

Now I need to do same work but through Docker Swarm (not locally) https://prnt.sc/psly63 . So , I am able to create grid through yml file in swarm: version: "3.7"

networks: main: driver: overlay services: hub: image: selenium/hub ports:

Now, my question is how can i integrated KITE tests to be run in swarm, cuz when i hit run https://prnt.sc/psm609 , it shows me this https://prnt.sc/psm6l5

emmanuelandre commented 4 years ago


What do you see when you open in your browser? There needs to be at least on Chrome on OS LINUX.

KiteTesting commented 4 years ago

@Emmanuel , is the grid ip that i set up on Docker Swarm, is the manager node ip and 4444 is the port. When i open this in browser it shows me connected nodes , but i cannot run kite tests on them https://prnt.sc/psly63 :


emmanuelandre commented 4 years ago

It should be working. Do you confirm the clients is LINUX?

"clients": [
"browserName": "chrome",

KiteTesting commented 4 years ago
