webrtc / KITE

KITE is a test engine designed to test WebRTC interoperability across browsers
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computePacketLoss appear when I try to get WebRTC Stats via getStats ? #98

Closed valdrinnz closed 4 years ago

valdrinnz commented 4 years ago

I have written below scripts and I get this computePacketLoss:

GetStatsStep: `const {TestUtils, TestStep, Status, KiteTestError} = require('kite-common');

class GetStatsStep extends TestStep { constructor(kiteBaseTest) { super(); this.driver = kiteBaseTest.driver; this.statsCollectionTime = kiteBaseTest.statsCollectionTime; this.statsCollectionInterval = kiteBaseTest.statsCollectionInterval; this.selectedStats = kiteBaseTest.selectedStats; this.page = kiteBaseTest.page; this.peerConnections = kiteBaseTest.peerConnections;

// Test reporter if you want to add attachment(s)
this.testReporter = kiteBaseTest.reporter;


stepDescription() { return 'Getting WebRTC stats via getStats'; }

async step() { try { let rawStats = await this.page.getStats(this); let summaryStats = TestUtils.extractJson(rawStats, 'both'); // // Data this.testReporter.textAttachment(this.report, 'GetStatsRaw', JSON.stringify(rawStats, null, 4), "json"); this.testReporter.textAttachment(this.report, 'GetStatsSummary', JSON.stringify(summaryStats, null, 4), "json"); } catch (error) { console.log(error); throw new KiteTestError(Status.BROKEN, "Failed to getStats"); } } }

module.exports = GetStatsStep;`

In my web app console peerConnections are appearing here: image

In main page: `const getPeerConnectionScript = function() { return "window.peerConnections = peerConnections[0];";

async getStats(stepInfo) { await stepInfo.driver.executeScript(getPeerConnectionScript()); let stats = await TestUtils.getStats(stepInfo, 'kite', stepInfo.peerConnections[0]); return stats; } }`

config file: "getStats" : { "enabled": true, "statsCollectionTime": 2, "statsCollectionInterval": 1, "peerConnections": ["window.peerConnections[0];"], "selectedStats": [ "inbound-rtp", "outbound-rtp", "candidate-pair" , "ontrack"] },

testScript: if (this.getStats) { let getStatsStep = new GetStatsStep(this); await getStatsStep.execute(this); }

In my console there is this message: image

In allure report: image

How is possible to fix computePacketLoss ?

namvuCosmo commented 4 years ago


I'm sorry but we currently don't have the capacity to maintain our JS libraries. But thanks for your post, we will investigate this in the future.

valdrinnz commented 4 years ago

Hello, namvu

Thank you for your response, already fixed it. In mainpage, I changed getPeerConnectionScript function: `const getPeerConnectionScript = function() { return "window.pc = [];"

And now WebRTC Stats are coming.

namvuCosmo commented 4 years ago


So initially the window.peerConnections was a map, not an [ ], I guess if you put window.peerConnections[0].peerConnection instead of window.peerConnections[0] it might have worked as well.

valdrinnz commented 4 years ago

Yes that works too.