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Cannot Get Loopback POC Working. #544

Open TheSalarKhan opened 6 years ago

TheSalarKhan commented 6 years ago

Browsers and versions affected OS: Archlinux x86_64 Browser: Google Chrome

Description By reading the apprtc code it seems that the loopback is implemented pretty simply. All that is done is a second websocket is created that registers to the same room as the websocket connection. Then all it does is convert any offers it receives to answers, and for all other messages, like the ICE candidates, it transmits them without any change. I'll reference to the comment in loopback.js

// We handle the loopback case by making a second connection to the WSS so that
// we receive the same messages that we send out. When receiving an offer we
// convert that offer into an answer message. When receiving candidates we
// echo back the candidate. Answer is ignored because we should never receive
// one while in loopback. Bye is ignored because there is no work to do.

Steps to reproduce Here's the index.html and main.js that I am using. All the rest of the files are being used from the appr.tc project.

<!DOCTYPE html>
        <link rel="icon" type="image/png" href="webrtc.png">
        <video id="remote-video" autoplay="" playsinline=""></video>
        <video id="local-video" autoplay="" playsinline="" muted></video>
        <script src="util.js"></script>
        <script src="sdputils.js"></script>
        <script src="peerconnectionclient.js"></script>
        <script src="main.js"></script>


// These are the html elements.
var localVideo = document.getElementById('local-video');
var remoteVideo = document.getElementById('remote-video');

// This is the state variable and it contains all the variables
// that we will be needing for a webRTC session.
var state = {
    signalingChannel: null,
    localStream: null,
    peerConnectionClient: null,
    peerConnectionParams: {
        peerConnectionConfig: {
            rtcpMuxPolicy: 'require',
            bundlePolicy: 'max-bundle',
            certificates: [],
            iceServers: [
        peerConnectionConstraints: { optional: [{DtlsSrtpKeyAgreement:false}] },
        videoRecvCodec: "VP9"

    For a given message string this function returns the message that would be
    returned from the other end.
function getLoopbackResponse(msg) {
    // Convert string to object.
    var message;
    try {
        message = JSON.parse(msg);
    } catch (e) {
        trace('Error parsing JSON: ' + msg);
    // If its an offer convert it to an answer.
    // If its a candidate, return it as is.
    if (message.type === 'offer') {
        var loopbackAnswer = msg + '';
        loopbackAnswer = loopbackAnswer.replace('"offer"', '"answer"');
        loopbackAnswer =
          loopbackAnswer.replace('a=ice-options:google-ice\\r\\n', '');
        // As of Chrome M51, an additional crypto method has been added when
        // using SDES. This works in a P2P due to the negotiation phase removes
        // this line but for loopback where we reuse the offer, that is skipped
        // and remains in the answer and breaks the call.
        // https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=616263
        loopbackAnswer = loopbackAnswer
          .replace(/a=crypto:0 AES_CM_128_HMAC_SHA1_32\sinline:.{44}/, '');
        return loopbackAnswer;
    } else if (message.type === 'candidate') {
        return msg;
    } else {
        trace('Returning null, this is bad!!');
        return null;

// This is a loopback signaling server.
signalingServer = {
    onmessage: function(message) {
        // This function is called when we receive a message from the other side.
        if(state.peerConnectionClient) {
    send: function(message) {

 * After the initialization of the signaling channel, this is the second step
 * in establishing a call. In this step we get the users media, and unless we have media
 * we will not be performing any calls.
function startGettingUserMedia() {
    mediaConstraints = {
        video: true,
        audio: true
    mediaPromise = navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia(mediaConstraints)
        .catch(function(error) {
            trace("Error in getting user media.");
        .then(function(stream) {
          // When we have the stream, we print a log, and then
          // show it on the local video div.
          trace('Got access to local media with mediaConstraints:\n' +
          '  \'' + JSON.stringify(mediaConstraints) + '\'');
          localVideo.src = window.URL.createObjectURL(stream);
          state.localStream = stream;

function maybeCreatePcClientAsync() {
    return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
      if (state.peerConnectionClient) {
      if (typeof RTCPeerConnection.generateCertificate === 'function') {
        var certParams = {name: 'ECDSA', namedCurve: 'P-256'};
            .then(function(cert) {
              trace('ECDSA certificate generated successfully.');
              state.peerConnectionParams.peerConnectionConfig.certificates = [cert];
            .catch(function(error) {
              trace('ECDSA certificate generation failed.');
      } else {

 * Now that we have the media, we are in a ready state. By ready state it means that this
 * node is properly connected to the signaling channel, and it also has access to user's media.
 * Now all that happens is wait. Here we are waiting for two events, either we are waiting for someone
 * to call us, or we are waiting for us to call someone.
function createPeerClientObject() {
    // line 475, call.js.
    var startTime = window.performance.now();
    var pcClient = new PeerConnectionClient(state.peerConnectionParams, startTime);
    pcClient.onsignalingmessage = function(message) {
        // Send this message to the other side.
        stringToSend = JSON.stringify(message);
    pcClient.onremotehangup = function() {
        // When the other side hangs-up we also
        // hangup.
        if(pcClient) {
    pcClient.onremotesdpset = function(hasRemoteVideo) {
        // console.error("On remote sdp set.");
        // console.log(hasRemoteVideo);
        // If hasRemoteVideo, then wait for the video to arrive,
        // else do nothing.
        if(hasRemoteVideo) {
            if(remoteVideo.readyState >= 2) { // if can-play
                // This is where the code will end up upon the receipt
                // of remote stream.
            } else {
                remoteVideo.oncanplay = pcClient.onremotesdpset.bind(pcClient);
    pcClient.onremotestreamadded = function(stream) {
        console.error("Remote stream added!");
        remoteVideo.srcObject = stream;
    pcClient.onsignalingstatechange = function() {
        // console.log("On signaling state changed")
        //update info div
    pcClient.oniceconnectionstatechange = function() {
        // console.log("On Ice connection state chagned")
        // update info div
    pcClient.onnewicecandidate = function() {
        // console.log("On new ICE Candidate.");
        // on new ice candidate.
        // an ice candidate that has not been
        // seen before.
    pcClient.onerror = function(error) {
        trace("Got error: ");
    // Save this object in the state.
    state.peerConnectionClient = pcClient;

    console.log("Adding local stream: ");

    var offerOptions = {};


Expected results The call should establish with the video and audio playing in the remote video html element.

Actual results The call does establish, ICE connection state is 'complete' and that of the RTCPeerConnection is 'stable'. But 'onremotestreamadded' never gets called so the video does not show up on the remote video element. Although, adding the stream manually through the developer console works out.

I've been looking at this for well over two weeks but I have been unable to find out the reason its not working. Any help would be highly appreciated. Thanks to all apprtc folks. :+1:

Link to project: https://github.com/TheSalarKhan/WTRtc/tree/private-salar-loopback

KaptenJansson commented 6 years ago

Although a messy PR https://github.com/webrtc/apprtc/pull/346 it does setup two peerconnections, clones the mediastream and sends it back. It was reverted in the end since Chrome did not handle the cloned mediastream like that really well. I plan to revisit it and not use cloned mediastreams but in the meanwhile it might give you some hints on how to get it working, just ignore all the callstats stuff which have since been pulled out.

TheSalarKhan commented 6 years ago

Thanks @KaptenJansson. The PR that you've linked me to gets this accomplished using two peerconnection objects, and thats cool. But I'd still like to know how do we get this working with just a single peer connection object. I would love to know the ICE candidate/ offer-answer dance that's taking place to make that possible. I have gone through the executing by putting breakpoints several times, and I've tried to replicate that to the best of my knowledge. But even after that this thing only works in apprtc and not in the example I've shown.

If it helps I'd like to add that the only thing that I've not been able to get working, is the firing of the on remote stream added method - i.e. the method in which we actually link the video to the html element. If I run this example and wait for a bit, and then get the stream manually and add it to the video element - using chrome dev tools console - I'm able to get it working.

Thanks once again for the amazing work that you and others are doing. Cheers! :metal:

KaptenJansson commented 6 years ago

Loopback on a single peerconnection violates the webrtc spec as we disable DTLS (a single peerconnection can only have one of two roles, server or client) and use SDES (allows a single peerconnection to have both client and server role). I would refrain of implementing this. This will be replaced in AppRTC when someone has cycles to fix it.