websemantics / Image-Select

Image Select is an extension of Chosen, a jQuery plugin that makes long, unwieldy select boxes much more user-friendly. It provides image support for Single and Multi select HTML tags.
MIT License
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(Bug): "$this is not defined" message when there isn't any chosen select present in DOM #14

Closed edu791 closed 9 years ago

edu791 commented 9 years ago

These are the two scenarios:

1) - Jquery Chosen loaded

result: OK. No problem

2) - Jquery Chosen loaded

result: Javascript error: "$this is not defined (line 167)"
krydos commented 9 years ago

@edwardoyarzun thank you. Your fix is really working.

iamcal commented 9 years ago

I've submitted a patch for this in #18 which correctly triggers chosen:hiding_dropdown for all chosen instances, instead of just the last one found.

NickEngeldinger commented 9 years ago

Additional thanks for your fix @edwardoyarzun

websemantics commented 9 years ago
