websemantics / vimeo-upload

Upload videos to your Vimeo account and update their metadata directly from a browser or a Node.js app
Apache License 2.0
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Metadata issue: Although the upload succeeds, the onComplete handler is never called #27

Open kevinpaulconnor opened 6 years ago

kevinpaulconnor commented 6 years ago

This is true for your demo version as well as my implementation.

vimeo-upload's onGetMetadata_ takes the lack of a response (or more precisely, an empty string on the response) on the xhr target to be an indication that there has been a metadata upload error, and calls onCompletionError. But I don't see an expectation from Vimeo that a response will be returned, as the HTTP code is 204. The videos upload to Vimeo as expected, including the metadata.

Perhaps this is a Vimeo bug? The Vimeo documentation says that we should expect a 200 with a response in response to this PATCH call, and does not document a 204 response: https://developer.vimeo.com/api/endpoints/videos

Running an equivalent PATCH call on the Vimeo playground does return a 200 with the video metadata as part of the response. I'm not sure whether vimeo-upload isn't setting up PATCH the call correctly, or whether Vimeo isn't responding to it in the way that they document.

I've patched my vimeo-upload to treat a 204 as a success, although I don't think that's a long term solution. Any insight into what is going on here?