webspecs / url

The URL specification
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make explicit proposal about moving URL-LS into IETF #38

Open masinter opened 9 years ago

masinter commented 9 years ago

Is there a possibility of turning URL-LS into an IETF RFC?

Publishing URL-LS content under an IETF RFC may be possible, but doing so wouldn't cause the the URL-LS effort to be abandoned, which would require evidence that the IETF spec is better maintained than the WHATWG effort. There is precedent for this, the WHATWG abandoned effort on a DOM related specification (events?) after it became clear that the W3C version was more actively maintained.

sideshowbarker commented 9 years ago

There is precedent for this, the WHATWG abandoned effort on a DOM related specification (events?) after it became clear that the W3C version was more actively maintained.

That was the DOM Parsing and Serialization spec and "abandoned" isn't the right word to describe what occurred. Anyway, the URL spec is a very different case.

rubys commented 9 years ago

Thanks Mike! For the benefit of others, here's some relevant links:

https://github.com/whatwg/domparsing http://domparsing.spec.whatwg.org/

And, yes, the URL spec is a very unique case.