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Whiteboarding for Communicating Tech Concepts #31

Open lenards opened 4 years ago

lenards commented 4 years ago

Whiteboarding is potentially one of the things I enjoy the most about collaborating and working with teammates. Not everyone feels comfortable leading and participating, I would offer to organize and lead a workshop form of communicating technical concepts via whiteboarding.

One of the more effective forms of communicating is two people at a whiteboard. The notions of "visual meetings", "explaining with simple drawing", "the doodle revolution", and "sketchnoting" are all leveraging visual thinking and visual communication. I realize this might be too "tech adjacent" to be a chosen topic. If there's interest, I can expand more on the overall ideas.

You don't need to read all these books or watch all those videos, I did all that for folks 😄

lenards commented 4 years ago

Do I need to request "topic" to be added as a label?

c9rgreen commented 4 years ago

This sounds really interesting! I'll add the topic label.

lenards commented 4 years ago

Cool. Thanks Christopher!

On Thu, Dec 12, 2019 at 2:34 PM Christopher Green notifications@github.com wrote:

This sounds really interesting! I'll add the topic label.

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