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Elm #7

Closed cartoloupe closed 5 years ago

cartoloupe commented 6 years ago

Elm is a statically typed functional programming language that compiles to runtime-error free Javascript.

I can do a short presentation on things I have done and learned about involving Elm, including walkthroughs of some sample web apps, and examples on how the compiler can help drive the refactoring process. I am not an expert.

adrianboyko commented 6 years ago

I've written a few thousand lines of Elm and would be interested in helping to evangelize the language at WebStackers. I don't do presentations but could be on hand to help answer questions from the audience.

nqthqn commented 6 years ago

I would love to present on Elm. I organize https://www.meetup.com/Elm-Eug

We have remote presenters frequently.

lenards commented 6 years ago

I'm in Tucson; I've be game to help. My daily job (now) is writing Elm.

julianpistorius commented 6 years ago

@cartoloupe FYI there is a #tucson channel on the Elm Slack now.

cartoloupe commented 6 years ago

Thanks all, the responses here are really exciting to see 👍 Looking forward to talking Elm with y'all!

RichFromGalvanize commented 6 years ago

Is there anyone local that would be willing to present?

lenards commented 6 years ago

@cartoloupe is local.

cartoloupe commented 6 years ago

I'd love to present! I've been working on some slides that will last around 15 minutes.

RichFromGalvanize commented 6 years ago

@cartoloupe Awesome. I think 30-40m would be perfect if you have more you want to share/talk about. Just drop me an email (rich@busyrich.com) with your real name (excuse me if we have meant IRL) and a description of what your presentation will entail. We can then get this up on meetup.com and start pimping it.

Also, excuse my previous silly question, I didn't realize you were local at first. I am silly sometimes.

lenards commented 6 years ago

@cartoloupe - if you are less inclined to stress to 30+ minutes, I could to 10 to 15 minutes (or 20) framed as an experience report from my last 4 months writing Elm for work.

cartoloupe commented 6 years ago

@BusyRich I sent you an email 👍

@lenards Thank you, I think that is a great idea. I would be very interested in hearing about experiences of Elm for work.

RichFromGalvanize commented 6 years ago

@lenards I have reviewed @cartoloupe's email and his presentation outline looks great. However, we both agree it would be great to have you do your expose afterward, regardless of the length. Lets plan on having you be second up after him. No presentation required or anything, but if you want to put together slides we will happily facilitate you.

RichFromGalvanize commented 6 years ago

We have a schedule conflict with @cartoloupe so we will be moving this topic to August. Same plan as outlined above.

lenards commented 5 years ago

August would work for me.

On Wed, Jun 20, 2018 at 5:36 PM, Richard Key notifications@github.com wrote:

We have a schedule conflict with @cartoloupe https://github.com/cartoloupe so we will be moving this topic to August. Same plan as outlined above.

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lenards commented 5 years ago

Thanks again for selecting this topic. Thanks to @cartoloupe for creating the idea here and for presenting.

If you're interested in Elm and live in Tucson, stop by the Elm Slack's #tucson channel and say "hi".

From the talk:

@cartoloupe's slides are here http://bit.ly/vasanth-2018-08-elm-webstack and the Tic Tac Toe Ellie app he referenced is here: https://ellie-app.com/33qFbBFXztHa1

for my talk slides: https://bitly.com/lenards-2018-08-elm-slides and learning resources: https://bitly.com/lenards-elm-2018-08

Also, I recreate the live coding example: https://ellie-app.com/3478SXg2FNwa1

It occurred to me today that this might be a bit of a more realistic example given the questions and comments from folks: https://ellie-app.com/347bw2VjHPta1