Closed adah1972 closed 4 years ago
Hey, thanks for the feedback.
I checked in the paper version and it seems that the Guttenberg transcriptions is laking in a lot of places. Unfortunately it is the only free version I know of.
Hi DieBuche,
Thanks for the answer.
For 1/2, I noticed that has the information in a transcribed form. Maybe you can have a look. It mentions that the source files are available at
For 3, I installed the Gentium font, and it does show a difference (thanks!). Please compare the two screen shots (I am using OS X Lion). Yup, I like the look with Gentium :-).
I uploaded a new release which is now based on GCIDE. Thanks for the hint!
I am definitely loving it. Much nicer.
Two minor issues that might be worth fixing:
This precedes words marked with a double vertical bar in the original dictionary, signifying that the word was adopted directly into English without modification of the spelling.
Which makes sense for cosmos, since it's straight up greek.
Thanks for the explanation on "cosmos".
The screen shot is attached. The system is OS X Lion.
I also tried on an old Snow Leopard machine, and the result was good. Surprising! On both machines the Gentium font is now not needed.
Based on the last comment, seems like this can be closed.
Yes. Actually it seems only Lion had this problem. It works fine also on Sierra and High Sierra.
Thanks for the terrific work! I think it is very useful, but I do find some issues.
One thing is question mark. I see many question marks, many in the place of pronunciations. E.g. I can see "Ap′ple (ăp"p'l), n.", but only "Word (?), n.".
I also see some U+FFFD symbols. E.g. in "Venal", I can see "[L. venalis, from venus sale; akin to Gr. � price, Skr. vasna: cf. F. vénal.]".
I would also suggest using an alternative font. Other dictionaries seem to be using Garamond, which looks nicer than Times (which I suppose you are using).
Thank you for checking the feedback.