webtechnick / CakePHP-Facebook-Plugin

CakePHP Facebook Plugin
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Connect, debugger error #86

Closed heshanh closed 12 years ago

heshanh commented 12 years ago

When i attach Facebook.Connect to the component array it throws this error

Fatal error: Class 'Debugger' not found in ..\plugins\Facebook\Controller\Component\ConnectComponent.php on line 250

250 is the closing bracket of the class

webtechnick commented 12 years ago

You're trying to use a 2.0 plugin in a 1.3 application. Use the 1.3 branch of this plugin for your 1.3 application.

heshanh commented 12 years ago

I'm using 2.1.3

webtechnick commented 12 years ago

Then why do you have it in "plugins"? It should be in "Plugin"

heshan-wva commented 12 years ago

Its in the plugins folder next to app, lib, on the root. I'll move it to the app/Plugin when I go home. Although the plugin actually loads and I can use ->comment() an ->share(). share() actually renders a link instead of the nice blue button.

Thanks for the heads up. wouldnt have picked it up :)

heshanh commented 12 years ago

Hey Nick, I moved it to /app/Plugin its still the same

Cake v 2.1.3 Plugin v 3.1.1

Fatal error: Class 'Debugger' not found in ..\app\Plugin\Facebook\Controller\Component\ConnectComponent.php on line 250


public $helpers = array( "Facebook.Facebook");
public $components = array('Session',
'Auth' => array(
    'authenticate' => array(
        'Form' => array(
            'fields' => array('username' => 'username')
    'authorize' => 'Controller'
'Facebook.Connect' => array('model' => 'User')


webtechnick commented 12 years ago

Sounds like you don't have a full checkout of CakePHP. Debugger is a library in CakePHP. Line 250 is the end of the file. Make sure you have Debugger.php file in your cake library.

heshanh commented 12 years ago

its there, in lib\cake\utility

and \Test\case\utility

i also have DebugKit running from the root plugins folder

webtechnick commented 12 years ago

Not sure, this is an odd issue I haven't heard of. Try adding:

App::uses('Debugger', 'Utility');

To your AppController or something.