webtechnick / CakePHP-Facebook-Plugin

CakePHP Facebook Plugin
445 stars 138 forks source link

please help me some one #96

Open jaskaran87 opened 11 years ago

jaskaran87 commented 11 years ago

Hi webtechnick

Hope you are doing well

I have problem using your plugin

i have place all files in this directory C:\wamp\www\cak2\app\plugins\facebook

and one file is copy and place config and set api key and other information


Now i have create a controller

<?php class UsersController extends AppController {

var $name ='Users'; var $helpers = array ('Session','Html','Form','Facebook.Facebook'); var $components = array('Auth');

function login() {




But Missing Helper File

Error: The helper file app\views\helpers\facebook.php can not be found or does not exist. Error: Create the class below in file: app\views\helpers\facebook.php <?php class FacebookHelper extends AppHelper {

} ?>

This error is there if i right this line in bootstrap.php


then this error is come Fatal error: Class 'CakePlugin' not found in C:\wamp\www\cak2\app\config\bootstrap.php on line 51

I am using 1.3 cakephp please suggest me where i am worg

tranfuga25s commented 11 years ago

try CakePlugin::load('facebook'), the same name as the forlder that you created

jaskaran87 commented 11 years ago

Thanks dear